Would he ever get used to this

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The next morning Emma and Jac arrived on Keller to collect Sacha and take him home.
"Uncle Sacha,you're going to have my bed and I'm staying in Mummy's bed. I will let you have my special Peppa Pig duvet" she slipped her small hand into his and skipped along the corridor with him. His long strides easily accommodated her skips
"Well thank you mini Naylor" he smiled
"I'm going to look after you because mummy says you've been poorly" Emma said seriously
"I have been a bit poorly but the doctors and nurses are making me feel better"
"Mummy's friend Fletch is a nurse. He's my friend Theo's daddy. He makes me laugh"
"He's an idiot" Jac said but Sacha noticed the affection in her voice
"He's coming round for tea later" Jac said ignoring Sacha's raised eyebrow as he muttered under his breath "how domesticated"
Jac glared at him and as usual he just laughed at her death stare.
"000h is Theo coming too. I can show him my new trampoline"
"Yes I think Theo is coming and his brother and sisters"
Sacha suppressed a laugh as they got to the car
"What you cooking Jac?" He grinned
"You'll have to wait and see"
Fletch watched them get into the car from the hospital staircase - you know what she really did have a heart. He shook his head and walked to the ward.
"I just need to pop downstairs Nicky. Can you hold the fort here?"
"No problem Fletch"
After sorting out the latest staffing dramas, Fletch called in on Essie who was just packing her bag
"Hey you getting discharged?"
Essie looked at him with tears in her eyes.
"I got the all clear Fletch"
"Aw Essie that's brilliant news" he hugged her and lifted her up, kissing her cheek
"Does Sacha know?"
She nodded "he was here when I opened the letter"
"What do you plan to do now?"
"I don't really know. Hanssen says there's always a job here for me but I feel like a need a bit of a break"
"Mmm".Fletch said absentmindedly "I'd better go. Keep in touch" he kissed Essie on the forehead
Making his way back to Darwin he slipped into Jac's office unnoticed. Sitting in her chair his mind inevitably wandered back to the last he was in it. Calm down Fletch he told himself pulling out his phone and calling Jac's number
"Hey you" she answered "skiving again?"
"I'm sitting in your office.... on your chair"
Jac blushed "mmmm nice memories but what are you doing?"
"Well I just went to see Essie. She's had the all clear"
"Yes Sacha said. Great news eh?"
"Yeah it is. She says she wants to have a little break before going back to work"
"A popular idea just now"
"Jac are you thinking what I'm thinking"
"God I hope not" she quipped
"You know I'm joking Fletch. You think we could get Essie to go to Australia with Sacha?"
"That's the plan Naylor"
"Ok. I'll subtly try to find out Sacha's thoughts"
"We'll have a strategy meeting when I come round tonight"
Jac laughed "ok field Marshall Fletcher"
"You know, planning your attack"
"Oh right. It's a date. See you around 6?"
"Have a good day babe"
"You too" He smiled at her calling him babe. Would he ever get used to this

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