Mixed up

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It seemed like an age before Fletch had finished wrestling with his conscience and brought his lips down to meet Jac's
Tentatively he encouraged her to take the lead. The kiss quickly deepened, their tongues dancing with each other. Eventually they needed to breathe and reluctantly left each other's lips. They rested their foreheads together. "Wow"said Fletch." I always knew you'd be an amazing kisser" he smiled. Only then did he notice that Jac had tears rolling down her cheeks
"Jac I'm sorry. I knew you were too upset to do that" Fletch didn't know whether he should hug her or not.
She gave a small embarrassed laugh "I don't know why I'm crying. I don't cry" she said furiously brushing tears away.Fletch gently took her hand and replaced it with his own wiping the tears away with his thumb
"Want to talk about it?" He asked
"Not really. I think I'm just not used to having such powerful emotions. About Sacha, about my health, about you"
Fletch didn't wait for permission he simply took her in his arms and held her so tight she could hardly breathe. He was stroking her hair and her back.
"Mmmm that feels nice" she said eventually sounding calmer and more relaxed
"Good - it's supposed to"
"One of your moves Fletch?"
"What? No! What do you think I am. I'm trying to be there for you and you just think I'm trying to get into your knickers" he still held onto her though
"Other than Sacha ,you are the only man to hold me without there being a hidden agenda. An excuse for a quick grope. I'm sorry, I'm all over the place tonight"
"I think we should go to bed. To sleep" he added quickly, it's been a long day.
"A goodnight kiss Fletch?"
Wordlessly their lips came together again. His hands her on her face and then in her hair. Those iconic locks that were always so perfect were now tangled round his fingers. Her hands were at his waist pulling them close together. She moaned softly.
Oh my god thought Fletch. When she made those kind of sounds it was all he could do not to throw her down on the sofa and takher right there. Instead he responded with low moans of his own.
If they were honest with each other , this sexual tension had been building for months but neither wanted to address it at this point in time..
Jac responded to his moans with more of her own and then she was boldly feeling him through his jeans. His breath hitched and one of his hands moved to her breasts, gently fondling and teasing through her top.
As she continued working him through his jeans Fletch suddenly pulled away.
"Jac we should stop" he said softly
"I know you're right"
"It feels wrong whilst Sacha is lying there"
"It does I'm so mixed up"
Fletch kissed her forehead. Classic Fletch thought Jac.
"So I'm in Emma's room or..."
"Or will be fine if we're just sleeping. I want to get up early to go and see Sacha before work"

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