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Talk • Daya


"I'm over him I swear

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"I'm over him I swear."

- hair, little mix



I was sitting at the back of the classroom, not even trying to keep my eyes open. Sleeping was better than trying to understand how an induction motor works anyway.

You see world is divided into two types of people:

1) Who study.

2) who don't study.

However I, being the genetically screwed up person I am, fall into the third category. I am the type of person who pretends to study to impress professors. I look directly into their eyes while they explain the chapter, and that little act conveniences them into believing that I am a miss goody-two-shoes and by God's grace I always manage to pass out with C's with my study-only-a-night-before-the-test plan.

Hi, My name is Avalyn Thomas, I'm in my freshman year at Westview University in Atlanta with the supernatural ability of falling asleep faster than a blink of an eye.

"Oh my gosh, are you serious," a girly voice squealed from the seat in front of mine.

One more thing you know about me is that I hate oh-my-gosh type of girls from the very depth of my heart. I never be friends with these type of girls. They fall into the category which gets attracted to Ethan Rodriguez faster than Iron fillings are attracted to magnet.

One sentence description for Ethan Rodriguez: My extremely annoying ex from high school who unfortunately got the same scholarship from school as mine and we landed in the same University. Period.

"Yes, Ethan give them to me." Another girly voice said and my sleep flew out of the window into the space.

I tapped her shoulder. She turned around with 110 volt smile on her face. I scanned her for a minute.

Straight hair. Check.

Plump lips. Check.

Classic hourglass figure. Double check.

Here we have a new toy for Ethan Rodriguez to play with.

"We're you talking about Ethan Rodriguez?" I asked although I was sure.

"Yes, it's Valentine's today,and Ethan has presented a pink rose to me." She gushed. "He says I'm as unique as this rose."

I had to hold back a laugh. She surely wasn't the only one who was unique according to Ethan. I saw ten more girls with the same flower in the hallway today. And ironically, I was one of those girls gushing about this whole 'pink-unique-rose' thing two years ago too -- hormones got the worst out of me.

"Why are you in the class then, you should be with him right now." I encouraged knowing what Ethan would be doing right now.

"Yeah, you and Ethan have pretty good chances." Hew friend suggested.

Yeah, as much chances as a stone has staying afloat in a pond.

"But I don't know where he would be." She pouted.

"I do." I said with a smirk.

Oh Rodriguez you are so screwed.

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