•Love On The Brain•

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Love on the brain


'And I tried to buy your pretty heart,

but the price too high'


Please listen to Love on the brain by Rihanna for this chapter.

Right now I was at the back seat, putting my gear and mask on.

"If you look, I will run you over with my bike Lee." I warned him and took off my shirt. I was wearing black lacy bra with matching panties so they won't be noticeable when I wear my tight gear. I saw Liam glancing and his eyes went wide.

He coughed awkwardly and was pretending like he didn't saw anything. He was deep in thoughts and while I was pulling the gear and trying to zip it Liam looked again. I swear to God I will fuc-

"How did you got that scar?" he asked looking all serious.

"A fight" I answered obviously not wanting to talk about it.

"Yeah right a fight. Looks pretty serious and deep for a 'fight'." Damn he just has to butt into other's business doesn't he?

"Can we discuss this later Lee? I'm shitting myself right now cause of the race and I don't need this stressing me even more" I ended our conversation there since he didn't said anything after.

My gear was on, so was my mask . My gear was black with blue and green stripes on the side to match with my bike. My helmet was matte black and it had blue flames on it. 'Fenix' was painted on both sides on my bike. We arrived and holy shit there were too many people. Yeah I raced but I never raced in front of too many people before making me even more suspicious because Boss can be here.

I tried to shake the feeling away and enjoy the moment and that brings a smile to my face. Liam went to talk with the dude he was telling me about while I was taking my bike off the truck. Since I couldn't do it and believe me I tried 40 times already.

So while I waited for Liam I looked around, seeing who is here and if I recognize someone. There was a bike, it was red and white and it looked oddly familiar. I think I have maybe seen it in school or around but I was not sure.

After 20min Lee came back and told me the details and blah blah what not. I had my helmet on just in case someone noticed me and we went to sit down and watch the race until it was my turn. First it was the race 30+ and then mine.

Usually they separate the bikers so it won't be unfair. If they don't make it like that literally everyone will be together and it will be messed up. The race started and my eyes were glued on the bike that I've seen somewhere but have no idea where. 

They sped off and of course everyone was trying to make it first. In the middle of the race few fell while others were very slow and then there was the red and white bike that was first and no doubt will stay first.

I stood up and went to the bathroom to see if the mask is in place and Liam left to get my bike ready since the first race was coming to an end.

I saw some friends that I made from school and I also saw few of Leo's friends so I'm guessing he is also here. That thought made me very excited and I didn't even knew why. Well I did, but I didn't want to admit it.

I went to where Liam is and he was leaning on my bike talking to someone. I stood next to him to be greeted by the owner of the red and white bike. People were congratulating him so I know he won.

Leo looked down at me and his eyebrows were raised so I'm guessing he tried to figure who I am.

"This is my best friend Fenix and mate be careful cause she is here to take home the first place." said Liam and put his arm around my shoulder.

I waved but didn't said anything. I was nervous now and Leo standing next to me which I will repeat he will race with me together didn't make it any better.

He just smirked and continued his conversation with Liam but kept glancing at me from time to time.

"The biker that will be attending the race please make your way to your bikes, we are starting" the announcer said and Liam quickly turned towards me.

"Alright love, keep the things I told you in your mind and try to enjoy it. It doesn't mean you have to win I will be proud of you either way. Show them hell Fenix" He patted my helmet and walked to the benches so he can watch me.

I looked again at Liam, again wanting his reassurance and when he gave me a thumbs up and a poor attempt for a hand heart I made my way to my bike which was already set up by my dear, lovely friend.

I hopped on and triple checked the bike to make sure someone didn't tried to sabotage me like last time..long story.

I started my bike and looked at the sky which was now dark and filled with stars.

"THAT'S MY SISTERS FUCKERS YESSSS GO DAVI-" Ian  was cut off by Benji slapping him in the nuts and Ian grunting at that.

How the hell did they even knew about this? I thought they were all gonna stay home and Ian was at a party..oh well. I saw Kai waving at me and blowing me kisses so I grasped the air and patted my heart and waved back at Kai who I might mention was climbing on Ian's back.

I had a big smile on my face and when the honk was heard we all sped up with hopes we will make it first. I had a great start so I was first but few bikes were already catching up to me, so I sped up. There was the small hill that we have to jump over.

I sped up even more so I can jump over the hill. When my bike was in the air it felt like everything was in slow motion. Not even drugs can take me this high. I didn't missed the cheers and whistles coming from the crowed and I felt so good hearing that.

The race was coming to an end and now I was literally bike to bike with Leo. He tried to pass me but every time he sped up so did I, and we both were pissed at it.

The finish line was so close now so I let my bike take control and I tugged on my handles to the end and made it first. The crowd jumped and screamed and I couldn't take the proud smile I was wearing.

I jumped off my bike and run towards Liam who was screaming while running at me. He picked me up and twirled me around making people laugh and 'aww'.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and took off my helmet because I was suffocating and looked at Liam's happy face. Caught up in the moment he cupped my neck and and locked our lips together. It was a sweet kiss and I know that he was just congratulating me for the win with it and through the kiss showing me that he was happy for me.

He put me down and wrapped his hands on my waist, standing behind me while I was talking with my brothers and kissing Kai on the cheek.

I turned to my left and saw Leo with his friends and he was glaring at Liam looking pissed. He gave me a glance and then just smirked and turned to make out with the girl standing next to him. I felt something weird in my stomach but choose to ignore it.

I looked at Leo's bike and my eyes widened.

On the back of the bike there was the familiar upside down Y symbol that I saw on Darius.



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