•Sad Song•

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Sad Song


'With out you I have no hand to hold'


Please listen to Sad Song by We The Kings for this chapter.

"Before you slap me I just wanna explain what I'm doing here". He said in panic..I mean I'm not that scary gosh. It's not like I will slap him..

"Alright go on.."

"I needed to see you I missed you Inabear" He literally threw himself at me. Yes. We fell. In front of everyone.

"Omg get off me since when are you so fat?" I punched him in the ribs and he finally fell off me. I can breath again thank God.

"Wow you are clearly not excited to see me. Well anyways I have to go now see ya at home Inabear." He walked away..did he just walked away ..uhmm ruuude I wasn't done talking.

"Sooo that's your brother?" Joshua asked with his eyebrow raised.

Save to say he had better eyebrows than me.

"Yepp that's him. Such a weirdo" I said and started walking to my next class before the warning bell rang. "Well I need to go don't wanna be late see ya at lunch JJ"

I ran to my next class but not without hearing Joshua call after me "Don't ever call me that Inabear." I smiled and walked in.

There were few seats left and there was the guy I saw when I entered the wrong classroom. I set in front of him and looked around.

Almost everyone was in and there are the cheerleaders  I think with their boobs pushed up till their chin. The lacrosse guys including the one behind me.

I figured by the hoodies they are wearing. The smart ones in front and then the ones who don't talk at all at the back.

  Oh there is a cheerleader walking towards me with her minions I assume.

"You are in my seat loser move" she said and yes you guessed it. Her voice was faker than her lips. Belly button piercing, short skirt, crop top and high heels. How are her ankles not breaking?

"Who are you again?" I asked. I hate those cheerleaders. I mean boo this ain't a movie, you don't rule the school thank you very much.

I heard few Oooh's and burns. And everyone attention was on us. Great.

"Leave her alone Tiffany." a voice from behind me said. And I knew exactly who that is.

"Leo she is in my seat and who does this bitch think she is-"

"I'm Davina nice to meet you Miss. I'm- just-hoeing-around. Now can you please move? You are blocking my view." I cut her off and rolled my eyes.

"Damn Tiffany what ya gonna do aye?" One of the jocks asked. Dude..shush it

"Listen here new girl. You are messing with the wrong one here. I can destroy your life in a second." she said trying to look threatening tho she just sounds pathetic.

"I think you watch too much movies darling. " I said standing up. "I don't give a flying fuck about who you are or the things you can apparently do. You do not rule me. So take your fake ass and orange looking face away before you end up in a wheel chair."

Now she was looking at me with wide eyes and started shaking with anger.

"Drop it Tiff. Go back to your daddy and don't ever come near her again. Or you will be dealing with me" Leo said taking a step next to me and pulling me behind him.

"But Leo baby I-"

"Don't wanna hear it." he said and shut her up. The clicking of heels can be heard and I figured she left.

"I had it under control but thanks I guess.."  'I thanked him and went back to my place.

"Sure cherry you did"

"Cher-don't call me that"

"Sure cherry" he winked and sat down

After that the teacher came and lemme tell you. Hot as fuck. He was in his early 20s and looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Lesson is almost over and for the ones who are whining about being hungry hold on for few more minutes" Mr. Jackson said to the class since there were few girls asking him how much time is left because they were starving.

"I sure am hungry Mr.Jackson and you are looking like a fine snack right now" Well shit I said that out loud. Everyone laughed and few boys scoffed.

"Thank you Miss. Davina appreciate it." He chuckled. Wow he knew he was fine all along.

"Tho I prefer having you as my full course Davina" a voice whispered behind me. Damn Leo. The way he said my name send chills to my spine. Literally.

Before I got the chance to reply he was already out of the door. Well that was something. Ahh I miss Kai already. 

My train of thoughts was interrupted  by a phone call.


"Heyyyy girl"

"Hey Liam wassup"

"My dick from watching too much porn. I mean wait whaaaat. Anyways I have news for you. There are few races happening this week and before you get to deny the offer I, being the very good friend already put you in-"

"You did what?! Liam you know I cannot do that anymore. He can be there for all I know" I said and went to buy food.

"I know but Ina, that is your dream. You don't race to live, you live to race. No one has anything on you anymore." how can he be so calm about this?

"Alright fine only if I'm free and I'm wearing a mask. Anyways how much?"

"I can hook you up with 20k and 5k for me" It's the deal we had a while ago. He takes a % out of the money I earn.

"Great see you later"



The Bad Boy And The Girl With The GUN ☠ ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें