Meet Toni

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            Hiya everyone, I'm Toni Topaz. I know you have all ready met Betty and she told you what happened. You probably think I'm a bitch now, but trust me I'm not. Betty and I were getting justice for all the girls who were silenced by Rebecca.
            Good news though, tomorrow I am going to riverdale and moving in with my new family. Even better though, Betty's family also is moving to riverdale so Betty and I will have a new beginning. I don't know what the serpents will think about me moving to riverdale high, as they are opposing high schools with the Southsiders and northsiders trying to win a never ending battle.
I hope my new brother will be nice, he is called jughead and I'm not one to judge but it's a pretty weird name. I believe it will just be jughead, his father and I. Let's hope it's good!

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