Meet Jughead

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Yo, I'm Jughead Jones. It's a nickname, don't judge. I live in the Southside and moving to Riverdale today. My dad and I are taking in a girl called Toni and we will be her new foster family. We will both start attending riverdale High. For the time being though, I go to Southside High. Everyone assumes that is you go to Southside High you are a serpent. Most of the time, yes that is true. But I am not a serpent, my dad is and that is how he found Toni. She sounds cool and I'm kinda excited to have a sister. Other than the one that left me.
Yes, that's right. It's only me and my dad because he didn't fail on me. About four years ago, my mother told us her and jellybean, my 6 year old sister were going on a girls holiday and they would be back in two weeks. Well. They never came back and at that time my dad was an alcoholic. I presume that is the reasoning behind them leaving, but they left me. They left me with an unsafe house I couldn't live in and a dangerous father. So much for family. Fortunately, my father got himself together after a few months of therapy and we couldn't be better.
My mother is the reason I am now a antisocial loner. It's not great, but I don't mind the company of myself. My writing is the only thing that keeps me sane. I write in the school paper, the red and black. It's only me working there but I love it, it's my place to escape.
Anyway, we need to drop off all our stuff at our new trailer in riverdale so it is ready for Toni coming tomorrow.

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