"Yeah...he can just remove me from the guest list."

"But surely he...why would he do that?"

"I...I think he was doing it because he loves me. He...he said that he was holding me back in life...that I...that I needed to move on and just forget about him if I wanted to be happy. But that's...that's not true, Isabella. He's my dad, for crying out loud. I don't care what he's done, it doesn't change the fact that he's my dad and I...I just want to understand why he did it."

"Why he...why he murdered someone?"

"Yeah...I mean...I get it a little bit but he...I want to know what was going through his head, you know? What was...what was he thinking when he pulled the trigger? I...I want to understand what he was going through in that moment because then...then I can see him as my dad again because right now...right now all I can see is a guy who killed someone."

"Well...has he stopped you from sending him letters?"

"I...I don't know."

"Would...would you want to write him a letter and see if he replies?"

"I...I guess so."

"I think that you should. I mean...I...I write letters to my mum in the marines all the time. Just to keep in touch, you know? And she...she appreciates it, I think. Let's her know how I'm doing and that I...that I still care."

"I don't know, Isabella. Maybe he doesn't want to hear from me."

"Of course he does! You're his son!"


"Look, Elliot. You wouldn't be so hurt if you didn't love him so much which means that you two...you must have been close. I don't think it would be a good thing to...to throw that all away, even if he asked you to. I struggled a lot without my mum, even when I had my dad. I still do struggle...and I...writing letters really help me to stay close to her."

"Well...okay then. Letters it is."

Isabella pulled out of the car park and indicated to turn left.

"Hey, Isabella...do you...do you feel like doing something?"

"What do you mean?"

"I...I...I just can't help thinking about all that you must have been through and I..."


"I was thinking about what you said and how reluctant you were to meet me and I...you say that I'm spoiling an opportunity to get close to my dad but I...you're missing out on an opportunity too."


"You...it looks like you've locked yourself away from the world. Like you've...like you've given up a bit and...almost like you're hiding but you shouldn't...you shouldn't be afraid of the world."


"When was the last time you did something fun?"

"Just a moment ago when-"

"That doesn't count. I mean...like...proper fun...like...when was the last time you purposely left the house to do an activity designed for fun?"

"An activity designed for fun?"

The look she gave him was incredibly sceptical, but quickly turned back to the road as she cautiously took the third exit of a roundabout.

"Like...like went to a theme park...or went ice skating...or went to a trampoline place or something?"

"...I...I haven't done anything like that in ages."

"Well, there you go then. It may not seem like that but...each one of those things is a risk, I guess. And it's...it's getting you out there again. I mean, if I can get closer to my dad again then why can't...why can't you get out into the world again?"

"That almost sounds like a deal."

"Maybe it is. Are you in?"

"...okay. But you have to promise to write to your dad."

"I promise to write to my dad."

"Well...what do you suggest I do first?"

"You got some cash?"


"There's an ice rink around here, let's go check it out." 

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