imaginary girlfriends !

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It had been a week since the two step sisters kissed In Millie's bedroom, they had been spending a lot of time together, but Sadie wanted to make what they were doing somewhat official

"Can I ask you something Mills?"
"Go for it." Millie paused the movie the girls were watching, continuing to play with Sadie's hair
"What are we? I like you, you like me, but we're not dating or anything.." The redhead sighed
"I'm not out yet, and not ready to be. So we can be 'imaginary girlfriends.'" Millie giggled, but Sadie didn't find it as funny, "Yeah.."
She sat up leaning against the headboard as the older girl played the movie again

"Well let's say I like someone, and they like me back. But, we can't make it official because they're not out yet, and they don't want to ruin their own reputation.." Sadie looked at her friends nervously as she took a sip from her soda

"Sounds like kind of a shitty person, who is it?"
Chosen chuckled, and Ivy was rather confused, but Jack knew exactly who it was.
"Or, they're not a shitty person and they're to scared to come out, from fear of rejection."
"Or, It's Millie and she's sacred the popular kids will kill her for being a big fat gay." Jack laughed watching everyone's face as it hit them
"Oh my god, do you like Millie?!"
Sadie gave Jack a glare before sighing slowly
"Jack I'm officially never telling you anymore of my secrets, and yes, we've been..hanging out"
Sadie still didn't know how to describe it
"That's really cute! But she should be proud she's dating you, seriously." Chosen smiled
"Yeah, maybe you're right.."

"Do you really think I should talk to her? I tried earlier and she seemed pretty sure of her answer. I don't want to come off as demanding."
"Just try, she'll understand what you mean."
Sadie smiled nervously before getting out of her best friends car "Put in a word for me to Finn!"
Jack yelled as Sadie walked inside laughing,

"Oh good, you're home." Finn stood smiling in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand
"What's up?" The fifteen year old asked
"I uh, I wanted to ask you for your friends number, he's in a few of my classes, and I need some help in science." Finn smiled nervously.
Millie quickly snuck behind Sadie taking her phone out of her bag punching a few phone numbers into her own phone.

"Oh yeah sure it's-" Sadie reached for her phone just as Millie snuck away. Finn smirked, he was doing a favour for Millie but wouldn't mind having Jacks number for his own. Sadie read out the number as Finn dialled it into his own

Millie locked her bedroom door taking out her cellphone, she had a plan and was rather determined to carry through with it, hoping she'd be able make it up to Sadie

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