confession !

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"I really missed you, and I know I fucked up. But could you at least give me a chance to explain?"
"Why should I?" Millie stood in the doorway of her home staring at the face of her ex girlfriend
"Because, everything will make sense if you do, please just give me a chance Millie."
The brown brown eyed girl nodded moving out of the door way leading her cheating ex girlfriend up the stairs into her bedroom

Meanwhile Sadie Sink stood in front of the bathroom mirror brushing her hair, her step mother wanted to take her out for a nice dinner downtown. Sadie and Kelly didn't really have much of a relationship, and they had never really had a full conversation, but Mrs Brown panned on changing that at this fancy restaurant

"Hey Mills can I borrow a-" The redhead barged into her step sisters room to see a pretty girl with dark blonde hair and tan skin, Sadie had never met her before, she felt a boiling in her stomach
"I'm Rachel, and old friend of Millie's."
Rachel stood up pridefully seeing the anger in Sadie's eyes "What did you need Sadie?"
"Just a hair elastic..but I'll let you two talk."
"Okay, maybe knock next time." Millie smiled sassily as Sadie closed the door with a sad expression on her freckled face

"Where were we?" Millie smiled leaning back against the wall with her happy mood crushed
"I miss you Millie, and I know what I did was fucked, and I never should've cheated on you, I wish I never did. I need you, babe."

Hours later Sadie returned home smiling, she walked upstairs heading to her room planning to just go to bed, but she stopped midway turning into Millie's remembering what they needed to talk about. She walked in without knocking
"Sadie! You need to learn to knock," Millie giggled putting down her phone, bringing her attention to a rather angry Sadie, the redhead shut the door behind her before walking closer to Millie's bed

"Was that your girlfriend in here earlier?"
"Ex girlfriend, and it's none of your business anyways," The taller girls voice got harsh as she sat up in her bed with an eye roll
"Actually once again Millie, it is my business."
"Excuse me? Since when?" She stood up,
"Since, I've always been there for you! Since, I've always comforted you! Since, I never left you!"
Sadie starting heating up as she got more frustrated losing control of her words

"Since Im fucking falling for you!" Sadie yelled, but before she could keep going Mille yelled back grabbing the other girls hands holding the tight as she tried to pull away from her grasp
"Stop! I need you to stop Sadie! You're getting yourself worked up, now you're just yelling random things calm down,"
"And who said they're random things? What if I'm serious, what would you do then?"
The frustrated girl ripped her hands away, crossing her arms. Millie slowly brought her hands up to Sadie's face brushing a piece of hair behind her ear, "Well then I'd tell you I'm sorry, and that I've had a crush on you since I met you,"
Millie smirked placing her hands on the others girls waist while Sadies face brightened as she placed hers on Millie's face then the two girls kissed like they had been waiting to all their life

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