broken project !

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Sadie's Perspective
My life had changed drastically, quicker than I could imagine. Two days ago I was in the park with my sister, my real sister, and now I was sat on the most popular girl in schools bed,
who was my new step sister.

"Hello!? Are you even listening? Sadie?"
"Yeah! I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I felt my cheeks grow hot as she rolled her eyes
"One, don't be weird around friends. Two, no matter what goes on our parents stay out of it. Three, Finns of limits. Four, don't come in room. And finally Five, don't touch my stuff, even food."
Millie crossed her arms as she just stared at me, she really was pretty, makes sense she's popular
"Alright deal." I smiled before turning to walk out

"Hey wait, Sadie?"
"Yes?" I turned back around
"Rule 6, What I tell you stays private."
"Deal, good night Millie."
I smiled before walking out of her room, extremely confused as to what the fuck just happened, she was being..nice? Vulnerable? I wasn't sure, I just knew I needed to get to sleep,

It was the next evening, Sunday evening. Sadie sat on the living room floor with Jack and Ivy, they had an art project due on Tuesday.
"This place is huge, I think this living room might cost more than my house!" Jack giggled
"Agreed, it's gorgeous in here Saids,"
"Thanks, I think my dads really in lov-"

Finn busted through the front door putting all eyes on him, Wyatt stood behind him
"Who's that?" He said whilst walking in
"This is Ivy Crawford, my friend."
"Oh yeah! I totally meant the girl, I'll be upstairs." Finns cheeks went a bit pink as Wyatt nudged him up the wooden stairs "Sorry," he mumbled
The three friends started laughing,
"Oh my god, is he drunk?"
"Who cares! He was talking about me!"
"Awhhh, jacks got a crusssshhhh!" Sadie teased

Just about three hours at 9:00 pm the project was finally finished. It was a paper mache map of the entire world, it looked great and took hours. Sadie sat in her room writing in her poetry book when there was a loud crash from downstairs,

She could hear it was Millie, saying something while laughing. The nervous girl quickly put down her book before running downstairs into the living room, but nobody was there. She ran into the 'creative' room and saw Millie and her best friend Kenzie with there backs to the door.
"What the hell is going on?"
They both turned around and Sadie could see her Mache globe with a black heel in it,
"Sadie, Sadie! Calm down! It was an accident, I'm sure you'll get it fixed," the two girls laughed
"Yeah, take a chill pill Ginger."
"I swear to god! I'm gonna kill you! Both of you!"
"Look plant mom," Sadie crossed her arms over her shirt that said 'earth day'
"It doesn't even Matter, Kenz. Let's just go."

The two girls strutted out of the creative room, Kenzie laughing and Millie looking a bit guilty. All she could do was scream as she took the heel out. Then, the whole project fell apart and tears began to stream down the young girls face as the door opened slowly,

Thanks for the support on this story, I know it's not to good, but I'm happy with it :)
And it feels great to have people read it

cold hands↟sillie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora