ptsd !

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I start walking down the stairs, sucking on my teddys ear, slightly frightened as I heard daddy screaming and finny was crying, but I don't hear mommy. I make my way to the living room, finny...he's on the ground! He's bleeding!
I start yelling for mommy and daddy, but daddy just says I need to go to my room and forget what I saw..but, finny..Tears stream down my face as I listen to the yelps of my brother and screaming of my daddy. Finn let's out one more scream before he stops, and daddy slams the front door

Millie woke up screaming and covering her ears, Sadie ran into her room quickly hopping onto the bed and putting her arms around the girl
"Millie! Millie! It's okay, it's okay, it's just a nightmare! You're okay, Breathe."
The frantic girl took breaths in and out as she tried to calm down, and stop shaking.
"See, all good. What were you dreaming about?"
Millie gave the 'don't speak to me' look
"Really? Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it? You seem pretty disturbed.." She shook her head once more, Sadie sighed pulling the frightened girl closer slow rocking her back and forth "C-Can you sleep with me?"
"I uhh, sure. Yeah, sure." The redhead blushed

Millie laid back down on her side, her breath shaky as she pulled up some velvet blanket. Sadie layed down as well, resting her hand right on Millie shoulder gently rubbing it, at this point her cheeks were as red as her hair,

"Thank you, for being so nice. Even though I'm a serious headache to deal with,"
"You are not a headache, I promise"
"Thanks, and I'm sorry. For lashing out all the time, I can't help it. It's my only defence"
"Don't even worry about it. Get some rest,"
Sadie smiled sweetly as she scooted a bit closer to Millie, making the other girl blush

Sadie's Perspective
The first half of the day went by pretty fast, I had already sat down at my lunch table laughing and talking with my friends, but I couldn't get over
what went on last night, I was worried

"Do you guys know how to tell what people are dreaming about? Kind of like, see their nightmares." I looked at my friends hopefully
"Usually you can tell, with how they wake up. For example, an average nightmare is usually just waking up possibly sweating, breathing heavy, or just flat out paralyzed." Ivy answered
Well that didn't help, that's not how she woke up, I couldn't shake that night..
"What about if they wake up screaming?
And plugging their ears?"
"Questions, Who are you asking about? And what the actual hell?" Jack laughed confused
"Weird story, but what does it mean?"
"Usually screaming, shaking, holding onto, or plugging a body part is PTSD"
That can't be right, what could Millie possibly have ptsd about? And so bad she doesn't wanna talk about it..maybe I can ask Finn,

As the last bell for school went Sadie hopped onto her bike, trying to pedal as fast as possible
She had to ask Finn, even if it was kind of an invasion of privacy. That didn't matter
Once she arrived home she walked into the house trying to act like everything was normal, Finn was on the couch watching Television and Sadie knew both her dad and Kelly were at work, she sat down beside him not even bothering to say hi first
"Can I ask you something?"

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