Chapter 1

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Warning... This is the first book in this series

For those of you who are going to steadily point out I spelled Laurie instead of Lori this was a slight of hand as a good friend of mine spells her name Laurie. As for the name Tyreese auto correct changes it to Tyres. Now I could waist my time and go back through every chapter and correct this or continue to post new chapters for those enjoying my book. You can however stop pointing out the spelling error I do realize it's there.

I do this as a hobby only and for those who enjoy reading my books

It's hard to pin point when you first realize the world is going to shit. I mean truly realize and without question know this is happening. More to the point when do you give up on hope and begin to rely on survival only.

At first it just seemed like people were getting crazier, more sadistic. Except that was kind of par for the corse and not really all that alarming. I mean if one man could try to eat another's face off because he was high on bath salts how was this any different. If a man could cut off another's head off on a greyhound bus in Canada of all places and start eating him in front of the police. Then this started off no more shocking. Not at first at least......until the cases became more frequent. Before long everyone was glued to the nightly news as there seemed to be a sweep of such events leaving no state, no country, no family untouched. It didn't seem to matter the race, religion or wealth all people were afflicted.

Overnight it went from localized events to an epidemic without explanation or warning. A sickness, a disease that seemed to spread world wide overnight without a cure. There was no action plan as governments all over the world crumbled. The police and army tried to make a stand but even they fell with little resistance. Anarchy rained and the worst of humanity flourished. People began to riot, steel, rape and murder at whim. Even good people began to do things they never imagined they would do just to survive. Some people even had to put down their own loved ones as they had turned into the undead.

In and amongst the confusion the dead grew in numbers. Walking as if it was some bad scene from a horror movie. Coming back to life with a mindless carnal need to eat flesh. All people knew was that you didn't want to bit or scratch because you became infected. As people left the cities in droves the hi ways became impassable and eventually a stand still graveyards. In a matter of months nearly all of humanity around the world had become extinct. All our technology couldn't save us and had become useless. I had once heard someone call this our extinction event.

The few remaining survivor had broke off into struggling groups. We no longer lived in cities but in camps. People had long ago stopped believing in a rescue or a cure. Now a days you no longer planned for a future but rather how you were going to survive tomorrow. How you were going to find the bare essentials of life such as food or weapons for protection. Even gas now a days had become a commodity people would kill over. Unfortunately you not only had to fear the living but the dead as well. Like I said the underbelly of society had flourished.

Originally I left my home in Druid Hills and went to my moms house in Atlanta hoping to find refuge. I didn't find salvation but I did find my sister. For few months we struggled but managed to survive scrounging about in the attic. By the time we got brave enough....well actually desperate enough to flee Atlanta it was nearly to late to escape. We made it as far as the outside of the city when we found a small pocket of survivors.

For the next two years our little group adapted and survived calling home an abandoned boarded up apartment building. In that time we suffered crushing losses as member died and joy when we found other survivors. We took in anyone we found welcoming them to our makeshift family. It was this practice that would proved to be our downfall.

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