Chapter 14

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Chapter 14..........trapped among you

There was literally no room to breath. No room to think. place to exist. Everywhere I looked I was reminded of Rick. Closing my eyes I saw him there too but holding Laurie.

In the cold harsh light of day there was no forgiveness served up but plenty of judgement. There were those who looked at me with pity in their eyes. A few who tried to empathized. Still yet their were those who judged me based alone that Rick was a married man and I had become his dirty mistress.

"Come on girl," Maggie whipped my blankets off my bed. "You have to eat."

"I don't feel good Maggie now just let me be." When I tried to reach for my blankets but she only pulled them further from my grasp.

"You don't feel good because you need to eat." Maggie said as she yarded my pillow from under my head.

Rolling over I glared at her. "I don't want to go out there. Where everyone is. Where they are."

"Fuck em let them talk and as far as Rick he's already ate and is in the yard." Dropping my blankets on the floor she grabbed my hands and pulled me from bed towards the cell door. Getting dressed really wasn't an issue since I hadn't bothered to change from the night before.

The moment I walked into the cafeteria a silent hush covered the room. Remember how I had said before living here was like a open commune. That your life for good or bad played out for all to see. Well I was without question the latest entertainment for all the gossipers to rave about. The caged lion at the zoo that everyone watched not even trying to hide their fascination.

Numbly I fallowed Maggie down the food line taking mild relief in the fact that Rick and his new found family were not to be seen. Originally we had picked a table away from the others but that didn't last for long as tables filed in occupying the space around us.

I didn't want to hear but people were talking loud enough I was subjected to it anyways. The table behind me seemed to be pro Laurie. They openly gossiped about how true love could be stopped by nothing. How Rick and Laurie were so happy. That they were the perfect couple in every respect of the word. How they had both gone to hell and back trying to find each other. It didn't take long before the personal jabs started at me. Words such as mistress, cheater, the other woman, sinner and hussy trickled across in earshot. Not able to eat, beyond exhausted and heartbroken my emotions were beginning to boil towards an uncontrollable outburst.

Pushing my food around on my plate Maggie's hand reached out covering mine. "Just ignore it." Her eyes implored mine. "Fuck em."

I did my best. Truly I did for I didn't want to stir the pot anymore than it was. However when I clearly heard someone at the table behind me say.... home wrecker..... I could bare no more.

Standing I stepped onto the bench seat and cleared my throat catching everyone's attention. "You all want to talk...well here I am...lets talk." Nobody said a word. Nobody even so much as flinched. They all stared at me as if I had lost my mind. Maybe in truth I had or at least was starting too.

Glancing at them all there were very few who had the balls to even look me in the eye. "You don't know me you just think you do. You know nothing of my past or where I started from. You see only what you want to see. What ever suits you so you can feed your greedy gossip train."

"I am not a whore, a mistress or a hussy. I am not a home wrecker," I paused looking at the table behind me. "I am a human being that over time had fallen in love with a man who had essentially been single for four years."

Swiping my hand out I pointed at everyone in the room. "Where were all of you and your holier than thou attitude with your godly morals nine months ago when it started. It wasn't kept a secret, you all knew. Yet none of you had a word to say about it then did you?"

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