Filename 2 x reader

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Filename 2 is kinda a stalker in this. But what did you expect from this boy.

Filename 2's POV

I floated around Baldi's office, trying to think of something to do. This place was so boring. My eyes widened as I heard footsteps. I hid behind the desk just as Baldi opened the door. But he wasn't alone. I heard him talking to someone. At first I thought it was either Player or the Principal. That is until I heard the person speak. It was an unfamiliar voice. I was confused, but I couldn't show myself.

"And this is my office! If you need anything, you can often find me in here!" Baldi exclaims in his annoying voice.

"This is a nice office Mr. Baldimore." The stranger compliments. I gained the courage to take a small peek. Baldi was facing away from the desk, which was good. My eyes then drifted to a short male standing next to Baldi. He must be new here. Poor guy. He doesn't know the truth about this place. He probably thinks it's just another average job.

"Thank you y/n!" So that's his name.

"No problem. So, when do I start?" He asks.

"Tomorrow, if that's fine with you." Baldi replies.

"Tomorrow sounds great." y/n and Baldi then leave the office, still talking about y/n's job here. From what I could make out, he's going to be a teacher's assistant. I decided to follow the guy, staying out of sight from everyone. Normally I never left the office, but I was very curious to know more about this man. Baldi and the Principal rarely hired anyone, so there had to be a good reason this guy got hired so easily. He didn't seem abnormal in any way and I don't know why Baldi would need an assistant. The man left, waving goodbye to Baldi. I retreated back to Baldi's office.

A few weeks later.

It's been weeks since y/n was hired, and each day I would follow him. He never knew I was there, but I enjoyed being around him. I slowly began to learn more about him by watching him. He wasn't like the others. He was... normal. I still didn't understand why he didn't leave. For some reason, a part of me didn't want him to leave. This confused me along with the fact that I felt... odd around him. I decided to watch some of the other residents of the school while trying to think of what could be wrong with me. I noticed that a few other people seemed to be feeling odd as well. They would act flustered around another person, similar to how I acted when I saw y/n. From what I knew, people called it a crush. So is that what it is? I have a crush on y/n? I guess that's plausible. But how could I tell y/n? He doesn't even know I exist!

y/n's POV

I waved goodbye to the students as they left the school. Baldi would usually be with me, but he claimed he had things to do. Once all the students were gone, I decided to go find Baldi. He always said to find him in his office. I smiled and strutted down the hall towards to the bright green door. I opened the door and peeked into the dim room.

"Huh. He isn't here." I muttered to myself, shrugging. I was about to leave before I heard someone.

"Wait! Please don't go!" A voice shouted. I quickly turned around to see an strange man standing behind me. His skin was completely invisible, but his eyes, hair, and clothes were still very visible. I took a few steps back, ready to run and go find Baldi or the Principal. Although you wanted to run away, something told you to stay.

"Who are you?" I questioned, keeping my eyes on the man.

"Oh, how rude of me. I'm *bzzt* File *beep* Filename 2." He introduced himself. I slowly stepped into the office, still keeping my distance from Filename 2. He seemed quite harmless, but you never know.

"Ok. Why don't you want me to leave?" You ask.

"Well, it gets lonely here. It's *beep* rare that anyone walks in here and most of the time I'm hid*bzzt*ing." He explains.

"What about Bal-"

"Don't say his *loud beep* name!" Filename 2 shouts before realizing what he did.

"J-Jeepers! I'm so sorry!" He apologizes, his face turning a pinkish color.

"It's fine. I'm guessing you and Baldi don't get along well." I chuckled. Filename 2 seemed to calm down a bit.

"Yeah. But the two of you seem to have a good relationship." He replies sadly. 

"Well, we are close, but I will admit he can be a dick at times." I say, closing the door and walking over to the nearby desk, sitting in one of the chairs.

"What are you doing?" Filename 2 asks, floating over to you.

"Well, it's after school and you claim to be lonely. So I'll stay for a while." I explain, smiling as I see Filename 2 light up.

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