Principal x reader (part 2)

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This is a part two of my first ever principal x reader oneshot. Also, sorry for not updating. I've been busy moving.

f/h/m = favorite horror movie

Principal's POV

I ran around my room, attempting to find an outfit to wear for my date. Well, it wasn't quite a date, but I'd like to think it was. Either way, I didn't know what to wear. I felt like my usual sweater wasn't really enough, but I didn't want to overdress. My best friend, Baldi, walked into my room. He offered to help me get ready, since I've never really been in love before.

"Princi, you're just going over to his house to chat. It's not like you're going to a wedding or something." Baldi explains, glancing at the clothes scattered around the room.

"I know. It's just... I don't want to look like a slob." I replied. I never really dressed that well. My hair was always a mess while my clothes were a bit baggy. I didn't even wear shoes to work!

"It'll be fine!" Baldi says, trying to calm me down a bit. I nodded, gazing at the floor.

"I don't want him to think bad of me." I muttered. y/n is the only person I've ever felt feelings for. Even if we meet only a few days ago.

"He won't, Princi. Stop worrying so much." Baldi says while holding up one of my few shirts.

"Now get dressed. Your date starts in 30 minutes." Baldi reminds me. I grab the long-sleeved shirt and pushed my friend out of the room.

y/n's POV

The apartment was somewhat clean and Kevin was at his friends house. I had a few snacks and drinks on the coffee table along with some movies on the sofa. Before I could do anything else, I heard a soft knock on my front door.

"Right on time." I whispered, walking over to the door while fixing my hoodie. I opened the door to see a very nervous Principal at the door. He glanced up and shyly waved.

"Hi y/n." I smiled and waved back, taking in his appearance. He didn't look much different then when I first meet him. He had a competently black shirt that was tucked into his pants. His hair was still a mess, but I found it kinda cute.

"Hey Principal." I greeted him.

"You can just call me Princi." He explains, stepping into my home. I closed the door and led him over to the couch. He sat down and looked around my apartment.

"You have a lovely home, Mr. l/n." Princi says in his usual monotone voice.

"You don't need to address me by my last name you know."

"Oh, right." He mutters. I look through the movies before finding (f/h/m). I turned around with the movie in my hands.

"You fine with a horror movie?" I ask, looking at him with a smile. His eyes widened for a few seconds. My smile slowly started to fade.

"We don't have to-"

"No! It's fine!" Princi replies, putting on a nervous smile.

"Are you sure?" I questioned. He nods and scoots over so I could sit down. I put in the movie and take a seat next to him.

Principal's POV

Oh how I hated horror films. Although I wasn't fond of scary movies, y/n seemed so happy when he pulled out the flick. So I decided to just roll with it. The movie wasn't so bad at the beginning. But it didn't take long for a jump scare to come along. Every time a jump scare would happen, I would jump slightly. y/n would just laugh and ask if I wanted to turn off the movie.

"No, I'm fine." Would always be my reply. After a while, the movie seemed to calm down a bit. Nothing much was happening, so I let myself calm down. Then, out of nowhere, the demon/killer popped out of nowhere and attacked the main character. I let out a small yelp and held the closest thing to me, which just so happened to be y/n. I stared at him as he burst out laughing. I quickly let go of him and blushed.

"I-I'm sorry." I muttered, looking at the floor. y/n slowly stopped laughing and kissed me on the cheek. My eyes widened as I turned to y/n in surprise. He had a goofy smile on his face.

"Why did you..." I trailed off, placing my hand over my cheek. y/n's smile slowly faded as he grew slightly worried.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He mumbled, turning his attention back to the movie. I grabbed the side of his head and made him look at me.

"What are you-" I cut him off by slamming my lips onto his. It didn't take long for him to kiss back. I pulled back for air and looked him in the eyes.

"Wow. I can't believe that actually happened." I said out loud. y/n just chuckled and kissed me again.

Baldi's Basics oneshots (male reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora