chapter 16

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I smile and looked down at my ring it wasn't out there but it was simple and I loved it, it was beautiful. I looked up to see my sister along with Braxton's sisters come trotting over to me over to me squalling

"Lets us see"

I giggled and held out my hand for them to look at the ring and did a little jump and sqeeled with them.

"Took him a damn while" Tiana said hugging me

I giggled and embraced her tighter before letting go

"Well better later than never right, welcome to the family jen" Tiana said

"nxxaaaw thank you so much Ti" I said nodding and agreeing 

She stepped aside revelling her mother standing behind her and Mrs Bolten

"There's my beautiful daughter in law" Mrs Bolten said

"NOT YET MA" Braxton yelled

Mrs Bolten rolls her eyes. Man Braxton had some super hearing on him

"Well in my eyes you are" she said and hugged

I giggled and wrapped my arms around her

"Congratulations my angle, welcome to the family" she continued

"Thank you" I said smiling

I broke away from her embrace and glanced over at Braxton who was looking right at me instead of listening to his brother I smiled at him and Braxton winked as a reply. I giggled and turned my attention back to Mrs Bolten she turned and threw her left hand in the air


The circle of people around me lessened as people followed Mrs Bolten. A tickling sensation erupted through my body I looked around and picked up my brothers sent. My eyes landed on Braxton and my thoughts were pushed aside I smiled and walked over to him, he was playing with the velvet box that held my ring, I reached out for his hand and he looked at me I looked up at him and smiled. I took a deep breath as a vision hit me of Dean and Lucca what was he doing here? My heart plummeted. they were in the woods they were not alone whoever they were with they didn't like either of them they were pushing them around then the one guy took a blow to deans face I gasped and forced myself back to reality. I felt Braxton's arms around me, I steadied my breathing and looked up to him and smiled

"HMM yeah I'm fine" I lied through gritted teeth

He kissed my forehead lightly, I took a deep breath in of his sent it seemed to calm me

"Babe do you mind giving me some time alone?" I said looking up at him

"Yeah sure sweetheart, just don't be out here to long you know how my mother can get" he whispered down at em

"Yeah I do, just a minute" I said smiling

I pushed him away playfully and watched him leave till he was out of sight. I looked around and let my senses take over. I looked to my left and caught onto deans sent the image of him being punched flashed through my head and rage filled me again and I ran off in the direction of deans sent. I ran with such speed that everything around me looked like a blur

In no time I was standing before Dean and a limp dead Lucca i felt myself grow weak at the knees as much as i hated him he was the love of my life I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and all I wanted to do was cry and wish for him back and there he laid dead, motionless and limp. Refocusing myself i see two other people in hoodies with ruby red emeralds around there neck snarling and growling at me. I tilted my head to try get a better view of the men standing by my brothers side they tilted there head further down realising what I was doing. My attention shot back to Dean he was fine fine the most part just a couple bruises to the face and a bleeding nose. I focused my mind and turned on my mind link voices came flooding into my head I closed my eyes and let this energy force cascade over dean and I its almost like a shield only the people inside it can hear what is happening.

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