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Where is she?

'Im here' she said and came out of the toilet dressed

Oh my god

'The doctor said to leave tomorrow' i said

'I want to leave now I can't stand the bed' she said and i laughed

'The baby is still inside' she said

'Oh you don't say' i said in sarcasm

'The bumps growing' she said

'You have 4 months left. Then it's the wedding' i said

'Shouldn't we get married before' she said

'I agree' juanpa said

'We'll deal with that in a minute. Let's go deal with the pricks who hurt my wife' i said

'Im coming' she said

'No' i said

'I want to talk to my mom.' She said

'Stay back then. Even though they are tied up' i said

'What about us' hunter said

'Go home, sleep' i said

'Oh honey no. We didn't bring these bats for nothing. Ima beat the mother fucking shit out of that hoe that is your mother, who hurt my bestie' she said

'Damn woman calm down.' I said

'Fine let's go. Everyone stay calm when we get there. Don't kill them' i said

'No promises' veronica said and i sighed as in 20 minutes we pulled up to the gang house

'Fucking hell. We can fit 5 neighbourhoods in here and we can still have enough room to party' sawyer said and i laughed

'You all can crash here. But on the top top top floor' i said and they nodded

'Go change first. There's an elevator. Open the door and it's in between the 2 staircases. Pick any room you like' i said and they all walked off and camila gave me a kiss and then left

'I'll go get the guys down after. Go with the gang in the basement. It's past the kitchen. Through the laundry room, at the end of the hall theres gonna be a big metal door. Take my card and swipe it on the scanner.' juanpa said and i nodded and followed the directions and swiped the card and i was met with alex (a former gang member)

'About time, ben (former gang member) is going crazy on the dealer' he said and i ran downstairs and damien (the drug dealer) was bloody and smiling

'Ben stop' i said and he looked at me and gave me the gun he was holding

'Watch these fuckers' he said

'Why' i said

'Cause if i do it I'm gonna end up killing him' he said walking out and they were all tied in chairs with lights above them

My mom ( Allison)
My brother (Mason)
Camilas mom ( Kate )
And Damien

I know these aren't the names i had of them before. But I have forgotten like always and finding their names is hard within 80 chapters. So for now these are their names. 😊

'So Mr leader. What are you gonna do to us' Mason asked

'Well i killed your whole little gang of so called trained men. And since you threatened to kill my fianće. I will get her to murder your dumb ass' i said

'Not if i do it first. I'll get out of here. And that stupid baby inside of her. I'd kill it. I'd kill it before you could even hold it. Touch it. Hell, even look at it. I'd take it away from you, all of it. Camila. The baby. I'd make you my bitch. Because that's what you always were. I'd have you tied in a chair and make you watch me killing everyone you love. Including that baby ' he hissed and the anger boiled inside me

The gun that was in my hands was loaded but before I could shot him camila took the gun

'No, don't give him an easy escape out of this. For what he's done, for what he just said. He deserved to suffer. He deserves to die in the most painful, Worst way known to life'

'He deserves to beg for death' she said

Her voice poisonous...

And then veronica just had to hit him with the bat

'Hey we brought them, might as well use them'

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