We Only Have One

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We only have one earth.
We only have one body.
We only have one soul.
We only have one (you fill in the blank).

But we have many responsibilities like:

Making it a better earth
Making sure our well being comes first
Making sure no one damages our soul, spirt, courage, beliefs, or our courage to fight this fight we call life

We need to have many responsibilities to keep our bodies functioning; so why don't we do that for the earth? Why don't we do that for others? We do so much for ourselves that we don't take a second to think about others, the oceans, the oxygen we breathe, the trees we cut down, the whale we use for oil and fats, the animals that are getting abused, the people with no shelter or food, or (fill in the blank).

Fact: Around the world, an estimated one million birds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles die each year when they become trapped in plastic or eat it, perhaps mistaking it for a tasty treat. It is one of biggest threats to all whales and dolphins occurring throughout the world's oceans


Fact: More then 700 homeless people die only in the US each year. Unnatural death, cardiovascular disease and cancer were the main causes of death. Compared to the general population of Rotterdam, the homeless had an excess risk of death for all causes.


Fact: Deforestation can have a negative impact on the environment. The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species. Eighty percent of Earth's land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes. Deforestation also drives climate change.


Fact: Why do some people abuse animals? Being human garbage causes this. Think of the entire human species as one "person" for a moment. Each member of the species is something inside this person. Some are healthy red blood cells. Some are disease-fighting white blood cells. Some are good fluids that help with digestion, cleanliness, etc. Many are just ordinary skin cells or muscle cells or whatever ... they don't particularly stand out as having some grand function BUT they contribute their part to the strength and health of the whole "person" (the entire species).

But some are toxins that need to be flushed out. Some are cancers sickening the whole body. Some are tumors and just plain garbage, and really fit for nothing other than to be destroyed so the rest can be healthier without them.

Abusers and bullies fall into this category as do rapists, murderers, child molesters, and other detritus. Anyone telling you it is "not their fault" is either deluded, lying, or just plain incorrect. While there may be horrendous factors against which a person must struggle JUST to live a decent life -- such as having been mistreated, abused, neglected, molested, or otherwise harmed during the formative years -- in the end it is the individual's choice whether or not to act upon things they know society does not approve and considers harmful, even if they cannot fully understand or appreciate that awareness.


We need to protect our animals, families, friends, beaches, earth, ourselves. But we can not be selfish when doing so. We need to be better humans and protect everything. We are just damaging the surface, the underground, and most importantly... OUR HOME!!! Stop the plastic. Stop the styrofoam. Stop the hate. Stop the racism, the sexism, the homophobia because it's not a phobia, IT'S HATE!

It's disgusting behavior and not helping the suicide rates go down. YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS DOING? Making the rates go up. Depression is the top risk factor, but there are various other mental health disorders that can contribute to suicide, including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Aside from mental illnesses, there are several risk factors that may contribute to thoughts of suicide, attempted suicide, and actual suicide. And spreading the hate does not make the thoughts or the actions or depression go away. IT MAKES IT WORSE!

Is the earth dying?

The Earth is 4.5 billion years old, but I don't think the Earth is dying as we think of ourselves as dying. The Earth is renewing itself every day.

The earth recycles itself, it does it on land and water through the interaction between the tectonic and the hydrologic systems causes constant recycling of the materials of the Earth's crust. The hydrologic, or water, the cycle is one of the essential cycles for maintaining life on Earth. Erosion and deposition are responsible for many new landforms. Erosion is the transport of sediments. Agents of erosion include flowing water, waves, wind, ice, or gravity. Eroded material is eventually dropped somewhere else. This is called deposition.

The trees, green plants and grasses all recycle air. How do they do this? Well, like all living things, plants breathe and when they breathe they purify the air with clean oxygen.


But my question is:

Can plants purify a smokers exhale?

The smoke particles that we see, are particulate pollution which can coat the leaf surface, reducing photosynthesis. These particulates can also clog stomatal pores, reducing gas exchange in the leaf. These effects are bad for plants. Cigarette smoke, and some other smokes, also contain tar which can clog stomatal pores. Particulate pollution in smoke can be harmful to humans as well.


I'm not trying to stop you from your ways if you are a smoker but I'm also not discouraging you from getting help and stopping your addiction. My 9th grade heath teacher once told our class that an addict  always says something to the terms of, "I'm in control," "I can stop whenever I want," "I haven't changed! You have." If you have ever say one or more of anyone of these or something close to it please, not just for your heath, but for everyone and the earth's health. It's not going to be easy but there are people who want to help and you don't need to be a smoker.

If you are and addict to anything harmful please get help. Alcohol, heroine, coke, weed, other harmful or non harmful drugs, video games, exercise, sex, cutting, bitting, (fill in the blank).  They are rehab centers and help just waiting for your call.

If you just need to talk, need help, or having thoughts of suicide please call: 1-800-273-8255
(US only) they are a 24/7 clinic and will listen to what ever you need. They will help and make sure you are safe.

If you are ever sexual assaulted or abused call: 911 (US only) or 1-800-656-4673 (US only). Again, they are there to support you and make sure you are safe.

We only have one life.
We only have one soul.
We only have one mother.
We only have one father.
We only have one soulmate.
We only have one body.
We only have one earth.
Don't mess it up.

Never give up, no matter how hard the challenges are, and observe this world with a healthy dose of criticism and don't just follow the herd like someone else would do. You are you... perfect.

There is only one of you.
Make it worth the 9 months of hardship.
You are not a disappointment.
Be your truest self.

We only have one you.

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