Chapter 5- The Fight (part 1)

Start from the beginning

I jolt up to a loud beeping noise. I look over and grab my phone to stop my alarm. I get up out of bed and head into the bathroom. I do my business then brush my teeth again.

I head back into my room and start to warm up a little bit. I do some jumping jacks and stretch out my whole body. I grab my bag, phone, and motorcycle keys then head out the front door while locking it behind me. I start up my motorcycle and head off to the East ring.

Hey you always have to arrive in style.

25 Minutes later I finally arrive at the ring. I park around back and make sure no one notices me. I sneak in through the back door and head straight into my managers office.

I usually get changed in her office since no one can see me inside. I quickly get changed into my outfit. Once I'm dressed I pull out my mask. I stare at it for a moment.

'How did I even end up here' I thought.

I was drifted out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door. I quickly put on my mask as the door started to open. I sigh in relief when si noticed Lindsey walk in.

"Hey Lexi." she greets me.

"Hey Lindsey." I say back.

She sits in her chair on one side of the desk while I sit in the other chair on the opposite side. I asked the tempting question that's I wanted to know the answer to.

"Who am I fighting tonight?" I asked.

She looked up at me and I could tell she was nervous. She let out a shaky breathe.

"YourefightingthechampionfromtheWestring." she says really fast and low.

"What?" I had no clue what she just said.

"Alright. You're fighting the champion from the West ring." she looks at me closely to see my reaction.

I never thought this day would come to be honest. I was shocked. My jaw completely dropped open. I was speechless. No words would form a sentence.

"You also getting 500,000 dollars if you win too." She says.

I swear if I was a cheerleader I would be doing all kinds of flips right now. I've never made that much money from fighting. I guess this was a really big fight.

"When do I fight?" I asked.

"8pm." she states.

I look to my right to see the clock on the wall. It was currently 6:05pm which meant I had practically 2 hours til I had to fight. I guess I should start mentally preparing myself now.

"Well I'm going to go and talk to some people. I'll be back to bring you down." Lindsey says getting up and walking out the door.

I simply miss my head and go behind her desk. I open her draw and pull out some wraps. I usually wear black wraps because they match my outfit.

I start to warm up some more and start preparing for this fight. I have to unlock my anger into this fight if I want to win. I can loose this fight.

I'm amusing that whoever wins this fight will be known has the number 1 champion throughout the whole town.

I start to think about my parents. They get me the most angry. I then start to think about my emotions. Some of my anger is out of sadness. It's not a good thing to have but I can't get rid of it.

I look at the clock and it's almost time for me to go. Time really does fly fast. I hear a knock on the door following a person coming in.

"You ready?" Lindsey asks.

I let out a breathe and nod my head. He opens the door wider and lets me through. I have two body guards for fights to guide me down just incase someone takes me or something.

Anything could happen down here so I have them for safety reasons.

I begin to walk down the hall.

You know that moment in movies where the person is about to make a big entrance and everything is going in slow motion?

Well that's how I feel right now.

As I walk down I start shaking the nerves out of my body. We make a bunch of turns until we make it to a large door.

I stare at it for a moment and look at the handle. I take a deep breathe in and release it all. All the nerves are completely gone and now I'm ready to fight.

"Let's do this." I smirk and suddenly the doors were opening.

I walk about in the arena walking towards the ring. I look all over the place and see that basically the whole town is year.

This is one of the biggest crowds i've ever seen at a fight. Some people are booing me and other are cheering me on.

I continue to walk to my side of the ring. I take a seat in my chair and look around in the crowd. I see that the person I'm fighting is on the other side of the ring but I refuse to look.

I believe it's bad luck to look at the person your fighting before you get into the ring.

I have never seen this guy before but I hope he is t all that scary that people describe him as.

The crowd gets louder and louder by each moment that passes.

Soon the announcer walk into the middle of the ring holding a microphone in his hands.

"Whoooooosssss readyyyy toooo rumbleeeeeeee!" he yells through the mic.

And that's when I knew,

That's the was actually real

That I was fighting the West ring champion

Game on


Does Dallas have a weird fight prep? Why hasn't Emilio talked to Dallas? Is Emilio embarrassed? Why did Ivan and Ryder sit with Dallas? Why was Lindsey so nervous? Is Dallas really ready to fight? Who is the West ring champion?
Find out in....
I Punched Emilio Martinez
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