The guard, who from his vest thing is named 'Killer' smiles and opens the gate for me, "how ya doin' sweety?" He asks, a goofy grin gracing his face.

"Just fine, yourself?" I ask giving him a smile back.

"Fine as well, I'll see you in there," he points to the bar.

I nod and turn on my heel and walk into the already bustling bar. Jojo runs past me, "get a tray and start moving them pretty legs of yours!"

I laugh and run to the back, I put away my bag and run back to the bar and grab a tray from the stack and make my way to a table, "Hi I'm Honey, what can I get you fellows?"

"Four beers, three whiskeys and we need to see Rage," the biggest man in the middle growls.

"I don't know where Rage is but I'll happily get your drinks," I tell him nervously.

I think I set him off because one moment he's calm and then next, he's slamming his first into the table and leaning over, "get me Rage or we'll have some fun tonight," he growls in my face.

I nod and turn and run over to the bar, "Four beers and three whiskeys and where is Rage?" I ask Mrs. H.

"Here ya go, and who needs Rage?" She asks leaning over the bar.

I turn and point to the men, all of them looking at us. She sighs and nods, "tell them he isn't here right now, he's on a ride."

"That the truth or?"

She nods and waves me off so she can serve someone else.

"Guess that's what I'm going to do, you can do it Honey," I mumble to myself and walk over to the table.

I set down the drinks and take a deep breath, "Rage is on a ride tonight, so he isn't here."

The man nods looking somewhat satisfied. I turn and start serving other people, but no matter what I do I can feel that mans eyes on the back of my head, burning a hole through my skull to try and read my thoughts.

Soon, midnight comes and its time for me to leave and some new girls to take over. I set down my tray and take a seat at the bar, "whatcha want Honey?" Jojo asks as she walks over cleaning a shot glass.

"Water, please," I beg.

She laughs and grabs a new bottle from under the counter and slides it over to me. I gratefully open it and drink half of it at once. Once I'm done I take a deep breath and lean back against the seat, "so how ya liking the job?"

I shrug, "pays money and tips are great but I'm not down with being up this late every night." I tell Bee as she sits next to me.

She nods, "I understand. I've worked here for two years and still have no idea how some of these girls work the whole night shift. Its insane."

"How long is that whole night?"

"From seven to five or six a.m," she says like its nothing.

I choke on my water and cough, "jesus. Who the hell works that?"

"Jojo and Ella do it all the time, so do some of the younger girls."

"That's crazy," I wheeze still recovering from my coughing fit.

She nods and pushes away from the bar, "I better get going and so should you, or Jojo might put you back on the floor," she teases.

Laughing I stand and walk to the back and get my bag. I walk through the bar waving goodbye to the girls and guys and get to the gate. Raid opens it up telling me bye and giving me a small hug. I return the smile and hug and walk to the house.

Honey's Biker (Devil's Angels MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now