Chapter 4- Break In

Start from the beginning

Mhm I wonder how I'm going to get Emilio back for what he did. Well I technically did get him back since I put it in his hair so does that count?

I was lost in thought that I didn't realize Alex was shouting my name.

"DALLAS!" Alex screamed.

"Huh, what" I jolt up right away.

I regret doing that because now my stomach is starting to hurt from it's soreness.

"Let's go and get to sparing." he says walking into the mat.

I sigh and start to walk over to the mat too. I get into my fighting stance and wait for Alex to tell me what to do. When I fight I usually let the other person attack me first before I attack them.

When I get into my fighting stance I make it look like I can't actually fight when I'm fighting new people so it tricks them and then boom I win. A little harsh but funny to watch.

Alex and I start to fight for a while until he's had enough. I was holding him in a choke hold over top of him and I held the position until he tapped out.

I finally release him and we both stand up.

"Not bad Scott." he smirks at me.

I smile in return. I walk over and start to drink some more of my water.

"Now time for some conditioning." he claps his hands.

I groan loudly. I hate conditioning with a passion. He takes it over the limit and by the time I get home I can barely walk.

"I want 50 crunches, 25 jumping backs, 28 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, 50 squats, and 50 lunges." he says crossing his arms.

I glare at him and begin my conditioning.


Never again. I hate conditioning with a burning passion.

It took my another hour to do all of that. I kept taking small breaks and at some points I kept getting lazy.

At times when he turned around I would stop but somehow he knew so I had to do 10 more.

I was now pulling into the driveway into my house. I grab my bag from the backseat and head inside. Every step I took hurt. This is why I hate working out.

I go into my room and grab a hoodie, shorts, and undergarments. I head over to the bathroom and run a hot bath. I pull out a bath bomb and stick it in the tub.

Once it's full I lay down in it and relax. All of my muscles started to loosen up as I payed my head back.

I started to doze off a little bit until I heard loud banging coming from downstairs. I quickly open my eyes and my heart begins to pound.

I'm the only one who lives here and no one ever comes over. Let alone has the key to my house.

Goodbye world. Just know that if I die tonight, make sure to burn my to the ground.

I get up from the tub and wrap my towel around me and put my hair up in a wet bun. I look around to see if I could use anything as a weapon. I spot a broom by the door and decided to use that.

Worse comes to worse i'll just try to fight them hoping my towel doesn't fall down in the process.

I open the bathroom door and look both ways making sure the coast was clear. When I saw no one I start to head out and go downstairs. I heard someone in the kitchen and tried not to make as much noise as possible.

I slowly walk towards the kitchen gripping the broom tightly ready to swing if I need too. I creep over the wall and see a figure standing in the kitchen looking for something. I couldn't tell who it was because all the lights are off.

I Punched Emilio MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now