"Leave me alone!"

"No!" He shouted back, I could feel his breathing, "Harry leave me alone, let me go!" Just then Harry grabbed me by the arm and turned me around. Slamming me against his chest.

"No." He paused trying to catch his breath, "Remember when you told me you didn't like to break promisses?" I nodded my head confused, "The night you took me to that bar, you said you'd never leave me." He brushed my hair out of my face, "I don't wanna make you break a promise." Pause. "I don't wanna make you break a promise because of me."

"Even though I'd go back to LA, do you think I'd break my damn contacts with you? Harry you became a damn friend. We'll call and text, I just need to go back to my home, and you won't let me go, escaping is the only way." I replied, Fuck.

"Kylie, don't push my buttons and get the fuck in the damn house." Harry almost begged. 

"No." I replied.

"Do you want me to tie you up again Kylie, do you wanna go there again!" He now shouted. I don't care if he is mad, I casually sat on the hot ground in the middle of the street. The summer brease against my face. 

"Do me." I answered rudely.

Harry bowed himself over me lifting me, I stood now on my both feet. Our chest touching, "You are fucking annoying, fucking bastard, piece of shit, idiot."

"You are so Dirty and Naughty." Harry interrupted me, laughing lightly. He placed his forehead on mine, "You're lips are close to mine." Harry confirmed, looking at them.

I grouned loudly; "Hey what's that!" I yelled, Harry turned around. Taking advanatage, I wanted to run again. But Harry held my upper arm. Again.

"No, no." Harry said like he was talking to a 4 years old child. I tried to pull away, he then grabbed my leg, turning me around. "Oh Lord, Harry!" I screamed, my head was dangerously close to the ground, my feet above Harry's head.

"Put me down! Now!"

"No, I love it when you're close to me." Just when I wanted to insult him again a car drove with it's windows down, "Ayy, get some mate!" He shouted. 

"Shut up man!" I shouted and Harry only laughed. "I will Bro!" He shouted back to the guy.


"What's wrong with you Harry?" I shouted angrily right after Harry locked the door. He looked at me all confused. 

Ah seriously so he doesn't know he is violently flirting with me, being pretty weird at times, and, nevermind.

I ignored him and went to my room. 

Not long after that Harry stepped into the room, he sat silently next to me. Without warning he took my hand in his, brining it towards his face. I tried to get out of his but it was no use. He then laid on my lap, I ignored him, looking straight at the window. "You're hot when you're angry." Harry said after a while, a soft laugh escaped my lips. 

"Really, you're way too Beautiful." He continued.

"Harry, say whatever you want, I'm still mad at you." I said, trying not to smile. He just sent me a wink.

"Hey, uhm, do you wanna talk to your Mum or I can ask Zayn and Ness to come over?" Harry said I just shrugged, still trying to ignore him.

"What about both?" He said with a smile, I pouted and nodded my head. Harry's mouth slightly opened when he saw me pouting, he came closer. I stopped breathing, and so Harry placed a kiss, just on the corner of my lip.


"So you guys are like officially together with Zayn?" I said shocked, Nessie just nodded, 

"Yaa, I mean Kylie, Zayn is damn hot, mhhh." She moaned.  I giggled, "What about Harry?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"What about Harry? I don't like him Nessie, he's way too mean." She laughed. "Oh baby, Harry can't shut the fuck about you when Zayn and him talk. He likes you."

I started to cough really hard, what? Ness gave me a 'Duh' look. "Nevermind, we're going to that Ball tomorrow. What are you going to wear?" She asked, and I pointed to my pyjamas.

She gasped dramatically and went to my wardrobe, not long after that she came back with a long blood red dress. "Sexy as fuck." Ness said and I winking at her, making her laugh. "Harry told me to buy this dress you know." I said looking at my lap. She 'awwed.' "You need to give him a chance." She said. Never in A Million Years.

After Ness completed my dress we went downstairs to join the boys. Ness sat on Zayn's lap giving him a kiss on the lips. I looked at Harry who already watched me with his beautiful eyes. To my surprise he tapped his lap. I laughed and gave him the finger. 

"Kylie, I'm taking your man with me and leaving My woman with you." Zayn suddenly said and stood up so did Harry. "He's not my man." I muttered. "We're leaving for a drink Love, Ness can stay with us this night if she wants to." Harry said and Ness nodded. Zayn gave Ness a fast kiss again, Harry walking hesitantly towards me, and gave my cheeks a kiss. 

"Stop." I said and left him there. 


*Harry's POV*

"What did you fucking do to this girl to get her hate you this much?" Zayn asked me throwing back his 2nd shot.

"What didn't I do mate, I punished the fuck out of her." I chuckled ordering the next shot.

"So you do like her?" Zayn asked again. 

"Yeah, I hated her first but now." I laughed. "Yeah, it's love mate." Zayn said.

"She is my Melancholia." I whispered.

Kylie what have you done to me Angel?

"Get her with your charm?" Zayn suggested, "Yeah, I know but isn't it like too fast?" Zayn shook his head no, "Look at me mate, I love Ness, she loves me. You and Kylie can be the same." 

"Tell her you Love her." Zayn said. I groaned and nodded. 

After I got pretty wasted I decided to go to a strip club, I didn't touch one girl since the day I kidnapped Kylie. Zayn refused to join me so I went alone. More chicks for me.

I soon arrived all wasted and alone to the club.

"FUCK YEAH!" I shouted when the girls came all over me, I couldn't stop chuckling. Nice. Very nice.


*Kylie's POV*

Zayn arrived lonely, "Hey where's H?" I asked him, "Uhm, he kind of wanted to hang out a bit longer." He said hiding something. I nodded and Ness bid me a Goodbye and left.

Where are you Harry? 

I turned off the lights and went to the bedroom. But soon I woke up again, hearing Harry yell and shout along with girls who let out loud giggles.

Enjoy it Mr Styles.


Sneak peak on the next chapter..

After talking a bit more, we headed towards the bedrooms. He held me suddenly a bit rough,

"Look at yourself in the mirror." Harry suddenly said,  turning me to the mirror wall in the hallway . I got confused, "You're mostly so pretty," he paused resting his head on my shoulder, his hands close to my crotch

"And other times, you're really hot, and I wanna touch you inappropriate and make you moan." Harry grouned in my ear. My breath hitched in my thout.

"It's not right what you're doing Harry. It's bad." I said shaking a bit.

"But things that are bad, taste always good." H answered. His lips were on my ear lobe, waiting for my premission to continiue.

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