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"I can't believe I'm gonna join a guild today! I hope I look good enough for them

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"I can't believe I'm gonna join a guild today! I hope I look good enough for them." Kaho Tanaka said to her exceed, Asahi.

Kaho looked at herself in the mirror as she adjusted her white hat. Kaho was a tomboy but she always wanted to look good. Kaho's black sweater with Yandere printed on it in white print was definitely her style. Asahi flew on top of Kaho's head but wobbled on her high bun.

"Alright, let's get to that guildhall before they change their minds." Asahi exclaimed while trying to keep his balance.

Kaho nodded, grabbed her backpack, and ran out of her house. Kaho ran with Asahi flying behind her. A guild. A family! This would be a nice change since Tatsuo left. Kaho thought as she smiled to herself. A flashback of her mother dragon came to her.


"Kaho, come back." Tatsuo, a gold and lava red dragon, called out to Kaho.

"But Mommy, I want to explore. I want to meet Igneel and Natsu!" Kaho said to Tatsuo as she stood outside of the maze of trees.

Tatsuo sighed. "Very well then, child. You will meet Igneel and Natsu, but you must obey me." She said. "We are not done training."

Kaho nodded in obedience. She knew that Tatsuo would keep her word about meeting Igneel and the pinkette. Kaho practiced her lava magic.

"I will meet Igneel. And he will teach me how to eat fire." Kaho said to herself.

{End Of Flashback}

Kaho never knew what happened to Tatsuo that day. She just disappeared as Kaho was meditating. Asahi landed on Kaho's shoulder as she looked up at the train.

"You aren't getting me on that death trap!" Kaho declared staring up at the motor vehicle.

Asahi shoved Kaho onto the train with all of his strength. As Kaho stumbled onto the train, it immediately started moving. Oh my Mavis, who invented trains!? Kaho thought as she held her mouth closed. Asahi pushed Kaho into a booth near a window just in case she had to blow chunks.

{Time Skip Brought To You By My Lack of Ideas}

"Amen, solid ground! I missed you!" Kaho hugged the ground as people stared.

"Come on let's get to that guild." Asahi said dragging Kaho off of the ground.

Kaho looked around for a fairy with a tail on a run down shack. Asahi spotted it first and tapped on Kaho's shoulder. Kaho stared at the Fairy Tail guildhall with a poker face.

"Maybe it's better on the inside?" Asahi suggested but it came out as a question.

Kaho nodded and pushed open the doors to the Fairy Tail guildhall. Kaho grinned at the war that was going on. My kind of people already! Kaho thought with joy. She dodged a flying chair as Asahi went to go talk to another exceed he noticed. As Kaho walked through the commotion, she could feel eyes on her as she waltzed through. Kaho went to the bar and saw a white haired model that was known throughout Fiore, Mirajane Strauss.

"Hello, I'm Kaho Tanaka. I'm here to join." Kaho said with a smile.

"Oh, you're the requested recruit, am I right?" Mirajane said with a polite close-eyed smile. Kaho nodded. "Master!"

A short man came down to the bar, Makerov Dreyar. He squinted his eyes at Kaho and smiled with wide eyes.

"So this is the Lava Empress? Welcome to Fairy Tail. Your new nakama." Master said with a smile that was hidden by his mustache.

Kaho smiled as Asahi came flying towards her with a black bear exceed, Pantherlilly. Kaho got her Fairy Tail emblem in (F/C) on her (B/P). Asahi got his on his back in gray. Kaho looked around the guild and spotted the scarlet haired mage she was looking for, Erza Scarlet. She walked up to her.

"Hello! So I hear you have re-quip magic. That's very interesting." Kaho said politely.

"So I've heard." Erza said slightly blushing at the compliment. "May I ask who you are?"

"Kaho Tanaka, the Lava Empress." Kaho said the last part jokingly.

Ezra's eyes widened at Kaho's response about being the Lava Empress.

"So you're the daughter of the dragon Tatsuo? The Queen of Magma?" Erza said shocked. Kaho nodded even though she was surprised a mage like Erza knew so much about dragons. "I want you to meet someone."

Erza led Kaho to a pink haired dragon slayer, Natsu Dragneel who was fighting with a Raven haired mage, Gray Fullbuster.

"So you think you're better than me, Elsa!?" Natsu shouted in Gray's face.

"Yeah, what's it to you Pyro!?" Gray shouted back.

"Natsu, Gray, quit your bickering!" The boys coward in fear as Erza approached them. "Natsu, there is someone I want you to meet."

Erza shoved Kaho towards Natsu. Kaho paused. I'm finally meeting Natsu Dragneel, son of Igneel. She thought as she stared into the dragon slayer's eyes. Kaho couldn't find words, she was meeting the one persons he always wanted to see since she was a child. Natsu was also frozen. For when he was younger he always wanted to meet the child of Tatsuo since Igneel was her husband.


"Father, I want to meet your wife!" Natsu pleaded to Igneel.

"Someday, child, but today is not good. Today is Tatsuo and Kaho's training day." The red dragon replied to his son.

"Who is Kaho?"

"Tatsuo's daughter, the Magma Princess, and when Tatsuo dies, she will inherit the place of the Lava Empress. If you ever find her, I want you to marry and become the Lava Emperor." Igneel explained to the young soul.

Natsu nodded obeying his father. He sat on the log and looked up at Igneel with a glow in his eyes.

"I will find her, and marry her. For you father." Natsu said falling asleep.

{End Of Flashback}

Natsu had loads of questions for Kaho. But there was one he was gonna save until later on in the year.

"So are you really the Lava Empress? How powerful is your magic? Can you eat any source of fire other than lava? What does your dragon force look like? Do you know Igneel?" Natsu asked rapidly with wide jaws and wide eyes.

"Um, yes I am the Lava Empress since Tatsuo died. I have the most rare and powerful magic in Fiore. I can only eat magma and lava. I haven't a clue what my dragon force looks like because I haven't used it for at least 5 years. And I know about Igneel but I've never met him." Kaho said answering all of the questions.

"Wow, that's awesome. She answered all of Flame Brain's questions like that." Gray chuckled while snapping his finger on that.

Kaho chuckled to herself when she saw Asahi already making friends. This is my new nakama. Kaho thought as she looked back at Natsu.

{1155 words, that's a record! Well for me at least. Please vote and comment if there are any errors. Thank you for reading though! ~Authour-chan}

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