Chapter 22

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It was Christmas Day. At Matt's place, the Doctor Who Christmas Special was on the telly, playing at full volume.

He and Jenna were cuddled together on one sofa, with Karen and Arthur on the other.

The coffee table between them was stacked with nibbles Matt and Jenna had prepared, as well as mince pies, crisps, chocolates and champagne truffles that the other two had brought over. There was also a box of tissues on the table, which was practically emptied after the Eleventh Doctor gave his final speech.

As sad as it was, Jenna felt so thankful that she didn't need to stretch her hand out to reach for him, because he was right here, next to her. She held onto his hand, and he gave it a squeeze.

Then, Eleven regenerated into Twelve. As Peter Capaldi came onto the screen, everyone's mood changed. Cheering and laughter filled the room, excitement bubbling up as everyone saw the new Doctor.

Then, the end credits rolled. Everyone exchanged their high opinions in loud voices, big smiles plastered on all their faces.

Once the eager chatter had simmered down, Jenna checked her phone. She'd received another text from her parents, as well as one from Maggie. However, she'd also received an unexpected message.

"Excuse me, everyone," Jenna nodded at the others, who'd started talking about something else, then got up and headed out the room. She headed through to the hallway and leaned against the wall as she looked at the text.

Merry Christmas, Jenna. All the best, Richard :)
P.s. Who was great!

Jenna smiled to herself, clutching her phone against her chest and sighing happily.

"Everything alright, darling?" came Matt's voice from behind her. Jenna turned around to face him.

"Yes," she replied, her radiant beam unwavering. "Everything's perfect."

He grinned down at her, thrilled to see her spirits the highest they'd been in a long time. As she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, he fastened his hands against the small of her back. They held each other closely.

"Love you, Jenna-Louise."

"Love you too."

He leaned down and she stood on her tiptoes. Their lips met halfway. Their kiss tasted like truffles, wine and joy.

Outside the window, snowflakes were fluttering down from the cobalt sky. The entire street was filled with glowing Christmas lights. And all was right with the world.


Hey guys! It's been one hell of a rollercoaster, but hey, they got their happy ending at last 😊 I really hope you enjoyed, and thank you so much for reading! You guys are the best!
~Flo 💙

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