Chapter 6

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Matt stood outside the door to the main studio. He took deep breaths to compose himself. He'd had a whole day to come to terms with his feelings for Jenna, so he needed to get a grip now and get on with his job.

Jenna was enormously professional. Yes, she was fun and mischievous, occasionally playing pranks and messing around on set alongside him. But she was a diligent worker. It would be unfair to throw her off her game if he behaved weirdly.

He drew in a deep breath and braced himself as he walked into the studio. The actors were on stage, getting ready to start filming. Jenna was stood with Jamie, the director, listening to his advice as they consulted her script.

"Hey," Matt called softly, approaching the two. Jenna lifted her head and smiled at him.

Jenna had only become more beautiful since he last saw her. The studio lights made her entirety glow like an angel; celestial and out of reach.

"Hi Matt! Good day off?"

He swallowed his emotions and fixed a lopsided smile onto his face. "Days off are always good. You enjoy shopping with Margaret?"

"Yeah, had a great catch-up," her eyes danced. He smiled softly in response.

"I'm glad you guys had pleasant weekends too, but please, back to work. Chop chop!" Jamie ordered with mock strictness. He thought it was excellent that the two leads got along so well in real life, because it gave their characters more chemistry.

Matt and Jenna nodded meekly at him and resumed their positions on set.

And just like that, real life disappeared. Matt and Jenna were no longer in the studio. The Doctor and Clara were in the town of Christmas, running around and hatching plans.

The Doctor was so focused on getting to the bottom of the mysterious message whilst keeping his companion safe, it didn't give Matt the time to concentrate on much else. And although Clara teased and flirted a little, he was so used to her character, it was just like a normal part of their conversations. Frankly, it would be weird without it!

That afternoon of shooting was actually a lot easier than Matt had anticipated. It was something indescribable to those who didn't act - the way you could just forget the world around you and immerse yourself in one that was completely different, as a different person.

But the second 'Cut!' was shouted, Matt was thrown back into reality. Clara wasn't smiling at him, clinging onto his arm, telling him that he was amazing like always. It was Jenna. Jenna...

He just wanted to grab her round cheeks and kiss her, threading his fingers through her glossy hair and pressing his body against her much smaller one. All he could do was stare at her.

Jenna didn't register his staring, as she'd noticed Moffat enter the studio, so she waved at him as he approached.

"Hi, Steven!"

"Good day at the office, kids?" he greeted them.

"Always," Jenna smiled back. It was a close-mouthed smile, just wide enough to bring her dimple out. While it was a genuine smile, Matt observed that it didn't seem as cheerful as the one she wore when they were chatting together before Moffat came in.

Matt suddenly felt a sense of glowing pride in his chest at the thought of being able to bring out that smile in Jenna. Regardless of whether they were just friends (as they were) or lovers (as he wanted), he'd always want to make her happy. Because her happiness made him happy. He'd be devastated if she were sad...

"Hopefully shooting today will leave you hyped up for tomorrow," Moffat tore across his train of thoughts.

"Er- tomorrow?" Matt ripped his gaze from Jenna, his brain totally void.

"The interview," Jenna reminded him as the trio started to head out of the studio.

"Oh God, yes, the interview!" he slapped his forehead, making Jenna snicker.

"You're still good to go, yes?" Moffat squinted at him, not really posing it as a question.

"Yeah, yeah, 'course! I just forgot for a second," he smiled sheepishly, the tops of his ears turning red beneath his thick, brown hair.

"Be at the studio for ten past nine," he instructed strictly. "A taxi will take you up so you'll arrive for the interview by ten."

"Good good," Jenna smiled, heading in the direction of her trailer. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow morning, then."

"Uh, yes, yes! Will do," he grinned back at her, still looking oddly embarrassed for reasons she couldn't begin to fathom.

When Matt and Moffat were alone, the show-runner glanced at the pink-faced young man. While he'd always known Matt to lack grace and common sense, he'd never seen him look like this before. Puppy-dog eyed and lost in his own imagination. Moffat would even go as far as saying that he was infatuated.

Matt saw Moffat's slight smirk, and felt worried. He often wore that expression whenever he was scripting one of Rory's deaths.

"What?" Matt squinted suspiciously.

"Eyes front, soldier," Moffat teased him and nodded in the direction that Jenna had walked off in.

"Wh-what d'you mean?" Matt gulped, alarmed by the knowing expression on Moffat's face.

Oh no, was it really obvious that his feelings for Jenna had changed from platonic to romantic? He didn't dare ask. Instead, he tried to brush it off casually and forced out a laugh, playing it off as general teasing from his boss.

To his credit, Moffat saw how uncomfortable Matt looked at the mention, and while it only confirmed Moffat's suspicions, he didn't say another word on the matter.

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