Chapter 12

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Just a disclaimer - Matt and Richard actually get along really well in real life (as far as I'm aware). I mean, look at the picture! They both have a right laugh together!

Exam season is underway, so updates won't be consistent for a while. I'll upload chapters whenever I get chance though. Thanks guys!


The sun smiled down on Jenna and Richard, who walked hand in hand to the studio. Richard paced forwards a couple of steps to open the door for her, and she thanked him as she headed in first, with him following behind closely.

Matt had actually wished that Moffat hadn't warned him beforehand about Richard's visit. All he did up until then was think about how he'd have to meet the man who had the proud title of Jenna's boyfriend. If Matt were selfish and petulant, he'd be distant towards him. However, he decided to play nice, because that would surely make Jenna happy.

It was easy enough to say he'd be tolerant, but putting it into practice would be a lot tougher.

He fixed a smile on his face as he saw the cheery couple heading his way.

"Hey Matt!" Jenna greeted him. She was about to go and hug him, but she refrained herself, conscious of her boyfriend's presence. There was nothing wrong or scandalous about a hug, right? But she still couldn't will her feet forwards to Matt.

Matt could see her internal conflict, so he simply gave her a fond smile and said, "Hallo, Jenna-Louise."

There was a little pause as they kept their gazes locked. Then Jenna cleared her throat.

"This is Richard, who's probably a bigger fan of you than he is of me."

Richard chortled. Admittedly, he was a bit of a fanboy when it came to Doctor Who.

"Hi Matt, it's great to finally meet you!" Richard was grinning from ear to ear, and Matt didn't have the heart to hate him. He was only jealous of Richard. Not resentful. They extended hands, and Richard shook Matt's vigorously.

"Hey there, Richard," Matt nodded curtly, then loosened his grip. Richard let go and stepped back to Jenna's side. He looked expectantly at Matt, then when Matt did nothing, he looked at Jenna.

The three were stood around in silence. They traded glances, wondering who would propose what.

"So..." Matt said, digging his hands into his pockets and rocking back on the balls of his feet.

"So..." Jenna felt equally as awkward, but she smiled at Matt nonetheless.

"What do you want to see, Richard?" Matt asked eventually.

"Oh, I don't mind," he answered politely. "You two are my hosts."

"Well, we can take you on a general tour and save the TARDIS for last?" Jenna suggested and her boyfriend's eyes gleamed.

"I don't know if I'll be able to contain my excitement until then!"

He and Jenna shared a laugh together, although Matt failed to see the joke. Must've been one of those couple things, where they just laughed because they found each other extremely endearing. He was like that with Jenna, actually. He always looked at her with a smile. Although it was giving him great difficulty today.

The three headed off, with Matt leading the pack and Jenna and Richard strolling together, arm in arm. Matt wanted to spend time laughing and joking with Jenna like they always did together when they were at work. But even in his own territory, he didn't feel free to be with Jenna because of Richard. The whole situation made him miserable, and he couldn't control that, no matter how hard he tried.

Most of Matt's commentary was a little downbeat. He didn't interact with Jenna and Richard as they looked at sets, dressed up in the wardrobes and pretended to cower from the monsters. While Jenna was devoting as much attention as she could to her boyfriend to thank him for his kindness, she couldn't help but notice Matt, always in the corner of her eye.

Two's company, three's a crowd, she mused, thinking of how left out he looked. She beckoned him over, wanting to spend time with him. He approached them with tentative steps and stood behind them like a stiff statue.

Inwardly, Richard was a little disappointed that Matt didn't seem as energetic as he appeared in his role on the show. He seemed rigid. Something must've been on his mind.

"Y'know, Matt," he began, hoping to cheer him up. "My costar on Cinderella, Lily, is single. Sweet girl, really pretty, a right laugh too. I could put in a word for you, if you like?"

Both Matt and Jenna were caught off guard by the suggestion. Matt's first response was to completely dismiss the idea. But then he considered; Jenna loved Richard, not him. She would never be his, no matter how much he longed for it. It couldn't hurt to date someone who could give him love...

Jenna gazed at his contemplative expression. As she awaited his answer, she shifted her weight from foot to foot. Matt glanced back at her, and realised. She was the only sweet, pretty and funny girl for him. They exchanged a rather uncomfortable smile, then Matt turned back to Richard.

"I appreciate it, but I'm fine as I am."

Jenna didn't notice that she'd been holding her breath until he said that. Richard nodded understandingly, then the uneasy silence reinstated itself between the three.

Jenna spoke up at last. "Shall we show Richard the TARDIS set?"

- - -

"Wow!" Richard gasped as they entered the set. He stared at the spiralling blocks of Gallifreyan symbols on the ceiling in awe, then his irises turned neon blue-green as he looked to the central column and then the walls.

He clutched onto Jenna's hand tightly. "It's the TARDIS! The real-life TARDIS!"

Jenna couldn't help but laugh at his giddiness. She led him to the control panel, where he wasted no time in fiddling with all the buttons and switches and levers.

"Don't get too excited, or you'll break something," she pretended to warn him. "And Matt'll go all-Doctor on you and tell you off."

They both chuckled, the happiest and most carefree they'd been together in a long time. Matt watched from the doorway and envied what they had. He couldn't bear to witness it for a moment longer.

"I'll be sure to catch you before you leave," he called, turning away.

"Wait, where are you going?" Jenna was still laughing as she asked, but then her face fell as she saw Matt's sad smile.

"Thought I'd give you two lovebirds a little privacy," he winked at them, hoping that a tear wouldn't escape as he did so.

As Matt turned his back on them again and left the room, Jenna suddenly recalled an interview at a panel they did a while back:

"If you could travel in the TARDIS with anyone in real life, who would it be?"

"This guy, of course!" Jenna had answered, nudging Matt playfully. "Let's face it, he's the only one who knows how to pilot it!"

Let's face it, Jenna knew that the only travelling companion she'd ever want was Matt, and ditto his her. They'd always said so on set. Going on adventures was something they'd do together, just the two of them. They could escape real life, work and responsibilities and muck around together in the big blue box in space. Being in the TARDIS with someone other than Matt felt so wrong to Jenna.

Richard looked up from the console. He noticed how Jenna was still staring at the door.


As she turned around, he held out his hand. She took it dutifully.

"Thank you for bringing me along today," Richard smiled as he gave her hand a squeeze. Jenna glanced at the door one last time.

"It was no trouble..."

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