imagine for @Mrs_Chris_Chambers

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y/n - your name
y/s/n - your son's name

While you were changing your 11-month son's diaper you got a call from your friend, Beth. Beth seemed frantic and wanted you to come over right away, but didn't state why. You decided to take y/s/n with you since your boyfriend of one year Rio wasn't home. You knew about what he did for a living, but that didn't scare you off since the father of your child was apart of the gang. He sadly got killed before he got to see his child, but luckily for you, Rio decided to take care of you and your child. It didn't take long before you guys got together.

When you came back to reality you hurried up and finished changing his diaper. Then you got out from your house and put y/s/n in the child seat, and you drove off to Beth's house.
When you arrived you took your son out of the seat and locked your car. You and Beth were pretty close, so you barged into her house without knocking first. You were surprised to find your friends sitting and your boyfriend Rio standing in the kitchen with two others. He was also surprised to see you here, and you took a seat next to Annie.
"What the fuck did you guys do, and why am I here?" Y/N whispered to Annie.
" The robbery" Annie whispered back to me.
" Ok, you didn't tell me why I am here?" Y/N said a little louder.
Beth turned to me and said: Ride or die?
" Ride or die my ass, the only ones who are gonna die here is you guys after this for not telling me to not bring my son with me." Y/N said to them.

While we were having a discussion, Rio looked at the kitchen in amazement.
"Yo, this backsplash is dope. What's that made of? Marble? Rio asked Beth while looking at her.
" Do you have any problems with staining back here? Like, if you cooking a big pot of spaghetti sauce or something like that? He asked again.
Annie nudged Beth and she finally answered with: No, I don't think so.
"No?" Rio said as he turned his back to them again, and looked at the backsplash.
" We didn't know you owned the store," Ruby told him.
Rio laughs and started walking towards us: " I look like some kind of grocery store manager to you? What, like like Rotary club or something?
" I mean, you could be a grocery store manager for all we know." Y/N said to Rio.
He smiled back at her and answered with: No sweetheart, let's say that we got certain arrangements with some local businesses. We help each other out and what not, you know?
Ruby started tearing up " laundering for drugs? Told you it was shady she said to Annie.
"No shit." Y/N answered before Annie could say something.
" Stop worrying about my business deals, and start figuring out how you gonna pay me my money back." Rio raised his voice.
" We can get it back," Beth assured him.
"Oh, that would be great," Rio said.
" Most of it," Annie said quietly.
" Sorry, what?" Rio said to her.
" Some of it for sure."
" Oh what, like you guys didn't spend a dime?" Annie said to the girls.
"Don't look at me, I'm not involved." Y/N told her.
Beth turned to her sister and harshly asked her how much.
" I don't know, like a hundred...grand," Annie told her nervously.
"What!?" Beth and Ruby said flabbergasted.
" Oh, you guys are fucked," Y/N said.
" I could've shot you myself," Ruby told Annie, and Y/N agreed with her.

"Naah, you just gonna pay me back that's all. And that quick too, with dentures." Rio told them. The guys he was with, started walking towards us and the girls started to get nervous. I knew they wouldn't hurt us because Rio wouldn't allow it, so I was the only one not nervous.
" So, see you real soon, yeah?" Rio said.
He had his gun in his hands and turned around to us smirking. He gave his weapon to one of the guys and took a step towards me and my son. " Eh mama, how you doin? Rio said while lifting up y/s/n from my arms. My son tried to reach up to Rio's face with his chubby fingers. Rio smiled at him, and y/s/n started blabbering. " I'm doing fine." Y/N answered him.
" Do you think we should get the same backsplash for our kitchen?" Rio asked Y/N.
The others girls were confused and Ruby gasped when she heard his question. "Our?" Ruby whispered to Beth and Annie.
" Nah, I like our kitchen." Y/N answered.
" What the fuck is happening?" Beth asked the two.
" Oh, you didn't know? Y/N and I have been dating for a year." Rio told her.
The girls were so surprised they didn't know what to say.
" By the way, don't think I will let you guys get away since your friends with my girl. " Rio said and took Y/N hand, and walked out of Beth's house.

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