how you meet #1

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What you didn't expect to see when going into your older sisters house was an extremely hot guy casually sitting on her sofa. You had never seen him before and it made you kind of nervous. It wasn't before your sister Beth walked in that you noticed the gun laying beside the mysterious guy.
" Oh, Eliza what are you doing in my house?" was the first thing that came out of your sister's mouth.
" You asked me last week to visit you and trust me I'm not going back yet. I drove 4 hours to visit my sweet sister and you forgot me already" I shot back. The mysterious guy laughed under his breath.
I took a few strides towards Beth and whispered: Who is that and why does he have a gun?
Before Beth even got to answer, the guy stood up and introduced himself. " I'm Rio, and the answer to your question is mind your own business sweetheart. Then he took his gun and walked straight out of the house. Leaving me behind with a lot of questions.

Manny Montana/Rio ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now