chapter nine

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"Oh, Sephy. I can't believe in a week's time you'll be heading off to Cardiff." Jackie cooed as she set the table "it'll be so strange not having you here."

"Well, it'll be strange not being here." Sephy smiled sadly, folding napkins in half and placing them on the table.

Martin couldn't help interject. "Well, you might be gone but your skin and hair follicles will be here in the air for a long time after youre gone."

"Thank you, Martin." Jackie huffed and poked her husband's bare chest.

Sephy sighed and laughed, shaking her head in amusement as she left the kitchen. Suddenly she stumbled as she bumped into something.

"Oh, god, Laura. I'm so sorry." Sephy apologised as she realised who she'd ran into.

"Don't worry. Jonny already told me how clumsy you are." Laura laughed it off, as they both walked to the kitchen, where Adam and Jonny were already waiting.

Sephy raised a brow at Jonny. "You called me clumsy?"

"You are clumsy." Jonny scoffed, though the corners of his lips turned up a little in a smile at the mere sight of her.

Laura joined Jonny's side, her hand on his sleeve. Adam stepped back from the two, looking at Sephy awkwardly. Sephy herself wasn't quite sure how to feel at the sight of this woman pressing herself up against her best friend.

Sephy knew it wasn't right to think this way, but she couldn't believe her own bad luck that it was Laura at Jonny's side rather than herself.

Sephy and Adam walked into the hallway together. "I can't believe those two..." Sephy sighed, unsure of how to act.

"Honestly, he really did like you!" Adam sighed, rubbing his temples and shrugging. "I'd much rather have you as a sister-in-law than that boring tit..."

Sephy laughed and flicked Adam's cheek. "I never said anything about marrying Jonny, I just... think it would be nice to maybe go on a date with him."

"I can't believe you have a crush on my snotfaced little brother." Adam scoffed.

"Don't say 'crush', it sounds so childish." Sephy rolled her eyes and smirked.


"...And then my Chemistry teacher was called Mrs Jones... And my Sociology teacher was Mr Mitchell... And my tutor was Mr Phillips until I left school." Laura finished, scooping some lamb onto her fork.

Adam had to force his eyelids open to stay awake as Laura aimlessly listed her schoolteachers. "Well, wasn't that interesting." He yawned.

Sephy smirked. Laura was the most boring woman in the world.

"Well that was lovely to hear." Jackie forced a fake smile as she continued to eat. Martin furrowed his eyes.

"It was bloody boring." Martin shrugged "But this squirrel is lovely."

Jonny glared at his family, before offering a sickly sweet smile to his girlfriend. "Sorry babe, they're just messing around." He laughed nervously.

Laura nodded but looked down at her plate sourly. "So Persephone, it's a shame you're moving away next week..."

Sephy looked up and nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm really gonna miss this place. And you guys." She looked around the table, though she wasn't talking about Laura at all.

Sephy looked at Jonny. "I mean, I've known Jonny since school and he's my best friend. I'm gonna miss him like crazy..."

The table went quiet. Everyone's eyes were on Sephy, who's own eyes were locked on Jonny. Looking across at Sephy, Jonny smiled a little, his eyes softening.

Suddenly, Jonny shifted his eyes away, clearing his throat and standing up from the table.

"Pissface?" Adam looked up at his brother in confusion.

"Laura, can in the living room for a minute?" Jonny swallowed nervously and left the table. Laura trotting after him.


"I'm sorry, it's not you it's me... Well, its just-..." Jonny sighed, burying his face in his palms momentarily "...I think we should see other people...maybe..."

Laura sighed shrugged. "I get it, Jonny. ... It's Sephy, isn't it?"

Jonny swallowed and looked away. "I'm sorry..." He ran a hand through his hair.

Laura nodded, sighing and walking to get her coat. She slipped it over her shoulders and slipped out of the door, closing it firmly behind her.


"Too bad that you and Laura didn't work out, Jonny-Boo..." Jackie cooed, stroking her younger son's cheek.

Jonny sighed and just continued to eat his crumble. "Seriously mum, it's fine..."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Sephy looked over at Jonny.

Jonny looked back at Sephy and smiled warmly. "Yes. I'm sure."

𝑫𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒔 ⎯ Jonny GoodmanWhere stories live. Discover now