"I'm sorry, you must've missed my pleas during that twenty minute rendition of 'Eye of The Tiger' I had the pleasure of hearing back there." I snatched the towel out of his hands, patting my sticky self down.

He lifted his hands to his head, his arms, from his hands to his shoulders, were sweaty under the rising sun.

"Oops." he shrugged, "Don't pretend you didn't enjoy it, though." he winked, taking back the towel and folding it back into his pocket.

"You worry me sometimes." I shuddered, folding my arms. "How much longer 'till we get to the hotel?"

"About five more minutes?" Luke said, as if it was the easiest thing in the world. And maybe, for a boy who's legs were approximately the length of Germany, it was. But this was five minutes of my precious time. Time that could be used for eating or sleeping. Valuble stuff.

I groaned, collapsing my whole body onto the ground.


"Go.. Go without me!" I sighed dramatically, flopping about on the ground like a casualty in a movie. "Leave me be..."

"And I'm the one your worried about?" Luke muttered to himself, shuffling towards me as I continued my oscer worthy injury scene. He lifted me up from my waist, flinging me onto his back. Luke grabbed my arms, tightening them around his neck before plopping his hat onto my head.

"You smell of orange juice." He joked, as he piggy- backed me the rest of the way.

"That's odd, I wonder why." I replied, smiling into his shoulder. "Giddy up horsey!" I laughed as Luke neighed, speeding up. "Ride like the wind!"

A muffled snort came from below me.

"What?" I asked, feeling Luke contain his laughter as I turned my head towards him.

"Huh? Nothing." He spluttered, looking directly in front as he tried to keep a straight face.

"Luke, what's so funny?"




"Lucas, I'll tell your mother on you." I said firmly, a sentance I never thought I'd say after my tenth birthday.

"Th- That's," His face reddened as he cracked up with laughter. He licked his lips, his face turning to mine as he giggled foolishly.

"That's what she said."


Back at the hotel, Luke, after his self- proclaimed, extremely hilarious innuendo, had gone back up to the suite. Whilst I was in the cafe below, treating myself to a very well deserved muffin.

Classy was an understatement. The so called 'Cafe' could've easily been a five star restaurante with all the right componants: Snobby waiters, speckless surfaces and drinks so expensive you'd expect to have the straw carved out of gold.

I plonked myself down on a velvet (I repeat, velvet.) stool up by the counter, ignoring the glares from the workers as I left mud trails on the was-glossy floors. I think it's fair to say that I stuck out like a sore thumb. Surrounding me were people dressed in immaculate suits and dresses, hair coiffed neatly and shoes so spotless they squeaked as they strutted down the lobby.

Just as I was estimating how much hairspray there possibly was in one womans hair, a certain girl with a blue mane caught my eye. In fact, she didn't just catch my eye out of coincidence- she was heading right towards me.

I whipped back around in my seat, my focus on gobbling down the mountain of a chocolate muffin in front of me. I heard the sound of a stool moving, indicating that she had sat right beside me. I felt a tap on my shoulder,

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