Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

            Half an hour after their confrontation at the front door Caroline had excused herself when it became too awkward. Just because they were trying to repair things didn’t mean that things started getting better right away. It would be awhile before they could all be in the same place without that hanging over them and even longer before they would all fully trust her.

            Not five minutes after that Bonnie left too, she made sure Elena got her daylight ring before she went home so her dad wouldn’t worry.

            Alaric stayed long enough to have another drink with Damon before he left talking about getting settled in his loft before he had to start teaching on Monday which was only two days away.

            After they had all left it was only Damon, Elena and Stefan in the house. Damon and Stefan obviously weren’t leaving as it was after all their family home but Elena had no immediate plans to leave either. As a new vampire she thought it was a bit premature to be going home to where her human brother and dad were and besides she didn’t think it was the best idea to leave Damon and Stefan alone in a house together just yet.

            With her two blood bags in hand Elena crept into Damon’s room. He had retreated to his room after Alaric had left. He had invited her to come along, but she had gone to the basement instead wanting just a moment or two to herself.

            She was fully prepared to see him sprawl across the bed waiting for her but the huge bed was empty. Worrying for a moment that he might have changed his mind and gone somewhere else Elena quickly scanned his room looking for him. It only took her a couple seconds to see the steam coming through the crack under the door that led to his bathroom.

            Not bothering to knock she opened the door after crossing the room in about a second (one of the vampire perks that she was enjoying) and didn’t hesitate before she walked in. The bathroom was not quite as full of steam as she thought it would be and she immediately saw why.

            When she had first seen the steam she had assumed Damon was in the shower. Instead she saw him in a bath, bubbles and all with a glass of wine in his hand.

            “I see you finally decided to make an appearance.” Damon commented.

            Elena shrugged and said, “yeah it didn’t take long for me to get tired of being alone.”

            “Care to join me?”

            He didn’t even need to smirk and wink at her to make it an immediate yes but he did anyways. As she hopped in the bath with him the bags of blood lay forgotten on the bathroom counter.


            The ground was hard beneath her feet and wherever she stepped a cloud of dust would rise for a moment around her feet. The night air was beginning to get chilled made worse be the breeze that could be heard blowing through the trees.

            Her lips were pursed as they took in the scene in front of her. She had just been about to head home when one of the deputies called in. The entire drive and then walk down here she had been torn between genuine worry and doubt that it was the real thing. Now that she was looking at it however it was blindingly obvious that it was real.

            From her spot at the one end of the clearing she could clearly see three bodies. One was surrounded by a pool of blood that had begun to dry up, one had a large piece of wood sticking out of its chest and the other looked normal, like whoever it was had just fallen asleep.

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