Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

            Elena was sitting in between Alaric and Damon on the couch, she was biting gently on her lower lip and her brow was slightly furrowed. Both Damon and Alaric knew her well enough to read the concern all over her face even before she said, “you know you really don’t have to do this if you don’t want to Alaric.”

            Alaric raised one eyebrow and replied, “and have Damon go compel someone for you instead? I don’t care if they won’t remember it, it is still wrong.”

            As if he read her mind Damon added, “you don’t have to worry about hurting him. If you get out of control even a little bit I will be right here to stop you.”

            Only stopping long enough to flash both of them a grateful smile Elena gently grabbed Alaric’s wrist. After they had retreated inside the boarding house it had only taken Damon five minutes to realize the problem they were in. They had no idea whether or not everyone had their memories from the other timeline and thus had no idea if there were enemies outside the house waiting for them. And while it seemed stupid to leave Elena needed fresh blood to complete her transition.

            By that point she was already feeling slightly spacey though she wouldn’t admit it to either Damon or Alaric, but judging by Damon’s knowing look he already knew. Damon suggested he go out and compel someone to return with him but Alaric shot that idea down immediately. When Damon insisted that she needed fresh blood Alaric didn’t even hesitate before he offered his own blood.

            Initially Damon showed slight hesitation at the idea (just a sign of how close of friends they had really become Elena thought smugly) but it didn’t take long for Alaric to convince him. After they were both on the same page they had both turned to convince her as she had been stubbornly refusing. Although her head was swimming and she knew logically that she needed to get blood somehow she was worried that she would lose control. It didn’t help that from the moment Alaric had offered her his blood she had been able to hear his heart pumping it through his body and somehow almost smell it.

            She had no idea if doing this with a random stranger would be better or worse but as her lips made contact with the skin on his inner lip it was too late for any of that. All hesitations about drinking his blood and worries about losing control disappeared as she bit into his wrist with her fangs. The warm liquid that was pouring into her mouth tasted heavenly and sent power surging through her veins like electricity.

            Her grip on his arm tightened slightly, or at least that’s what she thought. She heard Alaric gasp quietly but the sound and what it meant barely registered in her brain. All she could think of was blood, how it tasted, how it made her feel, and how she only wanted more.

            “Elena. Elena you have had enough. You don’t need anymore,” Damon said soothingly as he gently rubbed his hand on her back.

            Some part of her wanted to shake his hand off, ignore his words and keep drinking. No matter how much she wanted to give in to that part the stronger side insisted that Damon was right, that she needed to stop.

            When she pulled her mouth away from Alaric’s wrist she felt like a diver coming up for the first breath of air after being submerged. Her breaths were heavy making her chest heave and her eyes were wide. She had seen Damon feed enough to know what both he and Alaric were seeing. Her eyes were completely black with black veins fanning out around them and she felt sticky blood that was still warm smeared around her lips.

            She blinked a couple times and felt a slight relief of pressure in her eyes and her mouth (she assumed it was her fangs retracting) and could tell by the smile that lit up Damon’s face she had returned to normal. He cupped the side of her face with his hand and whispered, “I knew you could do it,” before he disappeared.

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