Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

“Are you sure you’re okay with inviting him into your house?” Elena asked in a whisper as she shrugged out of her jacket.

Bonnie shrugged, “we didn’t really have a choice. We are only safe somewhere Klaus isn’t invited in. Stefan can get into your place so we couldn’t go there. No I’m not really all that fond of any original vampire being invited into my home but we didn’t have another option.”

They were both sitting on the couch waiting for Elijah to come in. His phone had started ringing the moment the door had closed. Elena was hoping he would be focused on the call enough not to eavesdrop on their conversation. But now that they were sitting there she found she didn’t have all that much to say.

She had been saying thank you ever since Bonnie showed up about half an hour after she left. When she said that she had found Elijah Elena hadn’t hesitated before breaking her word. She knew from her other memories that Katherine wouldn’t even want to get near Elijah so she really didn’t have to worry about her anymore.

Elijah had been waiting outside the house, he was leaning against a tree and wearing a crisp suit. He looked like he should be on Wall Street in a huge fancy office rather than here in Mystic Falls. When he saw them he didn’t say a word but just went back to Bonnie’s car which hadn’t been turned off. Even when Elena looked him in the eye and thanked him he merely nodded.

“Niklaus should have awoken by now,” he said striding into the room his phone tucked away in one of his pockets, “he is no doubt looking for us by now.”

“Why do you call him Niklaus?” Bonnie asked.

“That’s his name, or at least the one he was given. Klaus is just the shortened version.” Elena said before Elijah had a chance to answer.

Bonnie looked at her with thinly veiled amazement and Elijah’s eyebrows were raised with surprise.

“So you think you know my family’s history do you?” He asked.

Elena just shrugged, “I doubt it but I know some. You and your brother don’t share the same father. Your mother had an affair with one of the tribesmen, one of the men from the tribe that was made up entirely of werewolves. After your youngest brother was killed by one of the wolves your father got your mother to make you all immortal, make you all vampires. After Klaus made his first human kill his werewolf gene was triggered.

Your mother placed a curse on him that would keep his werewolf side dormant and keep him from being a true hybrid. Ever since then it has been is mission to break the curse, and the entire time you helped him do so.”

“Well that certainly eliminates the need to explain about Niklaus. Now I ask you, how do you know any of this?” Elijah asked sitting down on one of the armchairs.

Elena glanced over at Bonnie who just looked back before saying, “that isn’t really relevant. All that matters is I know, and I want to help you.”

“And how do you plan on doing that?”

“I’m the petrova doppelganger,” Elena said, “Klaus needs to sacrifice me to break the curse. I know you want to kill him, because he killed your family. All you need is a witch powerful enough to do it after he is weakened by the change the ritual will cause. So here we are, the doppelganger prepared to sacrifice herself and a witch ready to take out Klaus.”

For a moment Elijah just considered this before he said, “now why would you want to give up your life?”

“I have my reasons. But as long as my conditions are met you will get what you want.” Elena replied.

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