Head of Medical

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Head of medical


Cesar Alonzo







Face Claim/Appearance

Nicholas Gonzalez

Nicholas Gonzalez

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Cesar likes to think that he always knows what is right. Not morally, but logically. He can at times be morally ambiguous, he knows that, but in their kind of life you need to be sometimes. He is a strict follower of rules everyone gets what they are given, no more, no less. As head of medical he will never administer any more medication than rationed. On one hand it's good because he's following the rules, on the other hand patients have died because they hadn't been given enough medication. That is just the price people must pay on the Ark.

In the council he is often very rooted in his ideas. Once he has decided what he will vote for he will hardly ever change is mind. He argues and causes issues, after all he always thinks he is right. A lot of people may think that he is harsh, but Cesar believes he has the best interest of the Ark in mind.

When things don't go his way, he will often though an adult tantrum. Which pretty much means he insults those who have conflicting ideas to his and leaves to go sulk and be angry somewhere else. Other than that Cesar is very level headed and logical. He is a very literal person and sees things in the most practical and literal way. He was one of the first members of the council to vote for the exodus ship. They are running out of air, sending 100 of them down to Earth a) increases their time with. B) Gives them a chance of finding if Earth is habitable. Really Cesar couldn't think of a better option. Even if lives are expended in the process.

Cesar is rather shut off from the rest of the Ark most of the time, which may be why he has such a detachment from most of his choices. If Cesar was the spend a decent amount of time with the people of the Ark or with certain patients the way that he acts, and thinks would probably change. He keeps himself at bay to avoid getting his emotions involved with his leadership choices.


Cesar has always been one of the privileged few on the Ark. His parents worked as doctors, so it always seemed like the logical path for him to follow. He never thought lowly of those who didn't have much, but he never really interacted with them. Cesar was always a natural born leader, or more a bosser, so it was no surprise to anyone when he got on the council. Even if his choices can be questionable, he has the brains to talk his way into a position of power.


Order is really the only thing Cesar would say he likes. If order is maintained, then everything else will fall into place.


When people let their emotions get in the way of their decisions.

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