Meet at the beach

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu



The corniche was almost deserted at this time, save for a couple or two and some loners spread here and there on the stretch of the beach. It was quite dark and enexpectedly cloudy. Abu Dhabi didn't recieve much rain and usually had clear skies. The sea was calm and peaceful. There was a play ground on the other side of the stretch, where there were many families seated on the benches, watching amusedly as their kids played about.

Rahil and Asmina sat at those benches and watched happily as their daughter, Haya, played with some kids nearby. She was very friendly and so made friends easily. Even now she was enjoying being amidst so many kids. Her navy blue colored frock was swaying slightly as she moved and giggled along with the other kids, filling their hearts with peace.

"She looks so much like Asweera used to when she was of her age. Adorable and cute. Friendly too!" Rahil said and smiled at his wife.

"Yeah Asweera was so talkative, even before some months." Asmina agreed. Rahil narrowed his eyes at his wife, who was watching a dark mass some distance away, sitting on a bench facing the sea directly, all alone.

"What are you trying to say?" Rahil asked her sternly.

"Rahil... Haven't you seen? Didn't you observe her? Last time we saw her, she was so chattery and now just after some weeks, she seems to be carrying the load of the whole world. She seldom laughs! Is always typing away on her phone. Her conversations have turned so... I don't know! She have changed into someone else." Asmina replied. Rahil frowned as he pondered over his wife's words and turned towards Asweera who was watching the sea.

"It maybe because she is kind of scared about the arriving nuptials!" Rahil defended his little sister. Asmina sighed.

"So soon? The date isn't even fixed yet and she is so worried? I don't think so Rahil. You should speak to her privately. You siblings share a close bond after all." Asmina advised good naturedly. Rahil squinted at Asweera, hoping that his sister was fine.

"I will speak to her then, In sha Allah." He promised. Asmina nodded.

"That's all I ask. I just think we need to know if she is happy with her life and her partner or are there some doubts! She has become a different person within some werks and we just need to know if there is something troubling her. Remember Rubdha? The sudden change in her vibrant personality? It all started with small signs. I don't want a repeat of that ever again!" Asmina shuddered as she remembered Rubdha lying on the hospital bed, after her 'accident', which she never believed was true. Her sister in law had been so soulless as she had spoken to them. Something had happened with her and till today, none of their family members could understand what. Alhamdulillahi rabbilaalameen for Umar. Now though, Asweera was displaying small signs too and this time she planned to be aware of her past mistakes.

Asweera had accompanied Rahil's family for the weekend to Abu Dhabi as Haaziq had work related outing, with his colleagues along with all of their families and Asweera wasn't comfortable going with them. Farhan's brother and sister in law were accompanying her brother too and she wanted to stay away from them, because she was shy.

Now as she sat on the bench away from the rest of her present family members and watched the sea, her mind was at war. Fifeen days ago, she had heard a lecture that had ensured the war between her heart and mind continued without a hitch and now it still raged on. She couldn't understand anything at all. The lecture had continued the affects of sins on a person and each and every point she had heard had hit home.

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