Chapter 24- Memories

Start from the beginning

"Yes." I said letting the tears fall. "Yes Chase I will marry you. Nothing would make me happier."

Chase placed the ring on my finger and stood up and hugged me whispering 'I love you' in my ear. I can't believe I was just proposed to in the most beautiful way I could imagine at my very own wedding by the man I loved the most.


I dropped my hand from Crystals shoulder and slowly backed away. To say I was freaked out right now would be an understatement. Crystal gave me a worried look and glance at Josh. They knew something and they weren't telling me.

"What's wrong?" Crystal asked worriedly.

"Where did this ring come from?" I held up my finger to show them.

Crystal laughed nervously and scratched her head acting unsure of what to do and that's when I noticed her ring. What? She has one to? I gasped and Crystal followed my eyes until she seen why?

"Ashlyn we can explain?" Josh said.

"We?" I questioned. "Who is we?"

"Chase." Crystal yelled. "We need you."

Suddenly I started to feel trapped. I knew for sure now that something was being kept from me. I slowly backed up from them as they closed in. I kept going until my back hit the wall behind me. I don't know why but instinct told me to protect myself. I looked around frantically until I noticed a lamp sitting on the table next to me. Something about it was vaguely familiar to.

"What's going on?" Chase asked running into the room.

"I don't know you tell me." I stated still a little scared.

"She saw the ring." Crystal told Chase. He gave her a worried look before proceeding in my direction.

"Darlin' just let me explain." He said cautiously.

"No." I screamed and grabbed the lamp from the night stand. As soon as I did it another memory or vision or whatever it was came through.


The second I saw Chase's fangs I knew the truth. He was a vampire and wasn't lying, but how could that be? Vampires aren't real and I'm pretty sure he wasn't like this before I would have noticed. He was certainly never jealous before nor was he the type to be controlling or dominating. During my screaming episode, Chase raced over to me like a flash of lightning and covered my mouth with his hand.

"No one can hear you screaming so it's pointless." He interrupted cockily

He kept his hand over my mouth for a minute until he was sure I was done screaming. After he removed his hand I caught my breath. I may not be screaming but I 'm still pretty much freaked out, not really sure what to say or do I just stood there too afraid to move. I watched him cautiously. How am I gonna get out of here?

My Best Friend Is A Vampire And He Wants To Claim MeWhere stories live. Discover now