Thirty Three: Coffee Prince

Start from the beginning

"You seem like the type to follow your dreams." Sungmin said, I looked over at him from my daydream.

"I like to think I am." I replied, nodding

"I don't really believe in dreams." He confessed, flipping a coin around in his hand, "I think they're unrealistic. So many people waste years of their life chasing dreams that don't come true." He scoffed, seeming bitter about something, "I decided to do something realistic."

"Well, what would you do if you could pick?" I asked.

"My dream?" He asked, looking up at me, "Well, I guess I'd be a millionaire." He laughed.

'Wow this guy really has no depth to him at all.'

I imaged a guy working at a coffee shop would be really deep and meaningful to talk about, Sungmin must have been the exception to the rule.

"I should probably get going..." I said, standing up. I had finished my coffee long ago and needed to get back to the guys, no matter how annoying they were.

"We never exchanged phone numbers." Sungmin said, standing up to lead me out.

'I can't imagine it would be any fun texting you...'

I tried to think of the nicest way possible to let him down.


I turned around to see a very angry Wonho standing at the entrance of the cafe. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see him and the other guys had called me many times since leaving. I guess they noticed when I left.

Sungmin looked Wonho up and down, probably recognizing him from last time.

"You're from a boy group, aren't you? Monster... something?" Sungmin asked.

Wonho stormed over to us, grabbing my wrist. He sized Sungmin up, ignoring him, before turning to me.

"We're leaving." He muttered before dragging me away.

I turned around to see Sungmin looked surprised but amused at the same time.

But I didn't have much time to pay much attention because a very angry, and strong, Wonho was dragging me away. He dragged me down the street, which was luckily empty so no one could recognize him. He stopped at an empty alleyway and led me there.

"Wonho, what are you-" I started to protest.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me against the wall, staring into my eyes.

"What are you doing with that guy?" He seethed, brow knitted as he looked down at me. His sweet face seemed more manly now. It made my heart skip a beat.

"I..." I tried to think of something to say. An excuse, I guess. But there really wasn't one.

"I mean, do you really like him that much?" Wonho asked, "Out of all of us, you'd pick him?"

I started to laugh, "No, no." I shook my head.

I especially didn't like him now, the appeal wore off the more I got to know him. Besides, I just wanted coffee.

"Stop lying!" He yelled, my eyes widened at how jealous he was being, "If you don't like him, then why did you go over there? Of all the coffee places? There's a Starbucks right outside of the dorm!"

I let out a sigh, trying to shake off  Wonho's strong grip, "Listen, you guys have just been a bit... much lately. Fighting over me all the time, I needed a break."

"So you're getting tired of us already?" He asked lowly, his fierce eyes staring down at my shoes.

I shook my head, worried I had hurt his feelings, "No! That's not it! I just... wanted some alone time."

Wonho fell silent, his grip loosening on my shoulders.

"Oh, so then... I overreacted?" He muttered, chuckling a bit at his own ridiculousness. "Sorry."

"It's okay." I smiled, happy to see he wasn't that angry after all. "I shouldn't have left without saying anything."

Wonho let go of me, his arms falling to his side.

"But still..." He looked up at me, a bit of sorrow in his eyes, "You don't still like him... do you?"

'Sungmin? No way.'

I shook my head, "No. It was kind of like a... small crush. I'm over it now." I laughed, but when I looked up at him, his gaze had changed. He seemed serious all of a sudden.

Wonho put an arm up, his hand right next to my head against the wall, and balanced himself on it. Wordlessly, he slowly started leaning in more and more, or faces only inches apart.

'Oh, he hasn't kissed me yet.' I thought, staring at his plush lips. I wondered what they would feel like.

Finally, Wonho's lips were pressed against mine and we shared a steamy kiss together in the dark alley.

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