Journal Entry

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June 10 2018

Week One in Daegu

I've decided to begin making journal entries to track my life. My diary at home will be much different than this one. The things on my mind back then are the polar opposite to the things now. The thoughts of Jin, constantly bite my brain. Every time I am having fun and enjoying just living, with Yoongi, those fears of Jin finding me and taking everything away haunts me. I'm terrified of losing this life. I have finally found someone who actually cares about me. The words that Jin said about Yoongi still naw at me but when I look into Yoongi's eyes I see the same sincerity that I have in my heart. My whole life people have used me or mistreated me. My friends, teachers, guardians. All of them. Until him. He sees something in me that no one else does. I feel at home in his arms. I will always want to be by his side.

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