Yoongi let me decorate our house how I wanted, so most of the rooms are decorated yellow or pink with lots of pillows and stuffies! Of course Yoongi's office is black and grey themed - boring! But he loves it, so that's all that matters.

Me and Yoongi see Namjoon and Jin daily now, whether it be to have dinner together or to go out somewhere, or even so me and Jin can have play time with each other when we're in little space. Tae joins of course!

Tae and I are inseparable best friends, especially when we're little, and it makes me pouty to admit it but, we are a very naughty pair and we get in trouble a lot, which leads to Tae and I getting a loooooot of punishments... Ooops?
Me and Tae totally don't get into trouble on purpose sometimes... Yoongi and Jungkook worked that out pretty quickly.

My brother Jin and Namjoon had more children than me and Yoongi - with seven children, but the Taekook couple have the most out of any of us.

They have eight children.

Yes. Eight! (A/N this is absolutely ridiculous I know)

They've really got their hands full, I don't know how they do it!

Six children is a lot of hard work, so eight, I can imagine is very, very hard. Believe me I've seen it!

That house is a mad one. Very loud and hectic, but I always saw Jin as the perfect mother, destined to have a large family, which they have. He's an amazing mum and Namjoon's an amazing Dad.

Having children hasn't stopped me, Tae or Jin from being Little's, we can't be little as often, that's true, but we still slip into little space together and play while our partners look after the young, then when we're big we look after our children with our husbands.

I make it to the glass sliding door leading out to the humongous garden outside.

I immediately spot Yoongi outside in the garden, playing tag with our other three other children. I smile gleefully at the sight of how happy they all look. My perfect family...

Thinking about it, I did wonder why the house was so quiet. Five children are very, very loud - believe me! The house is never quiet, not even at night time, because the babies cry, the children wake up because they're hungry or want a glass of milk or water, the list goes on.

Yoongi looks up, sensing my presence as I approach them. He smiles widely as he calls a time-out from the game they're playing, the children all yell out in disagreement but get excited when they see me, all running over to me and hugging me.

"Mummy, Mummy!" They all shout in sync, as they attempt to climb up my body, all fighting to win my attention.

I laugh, wrapping my arms around my stomach protectively so the children don't knock it.

Yoongi's face turns serious when he sees the children's limbs going dangerously close to my belly.

"Be careful guys! Remember, there's babies in Mummy's tummy!" He shouts loud and clear, gaining the children's attention instantly.

"We know Daddy!" As instructed by their father, they climb carefully down off my body and run over to Yoongi, trying to climb all over him instead.

"Daddy's a really short tree!" Hyuna shouts as she giggles, running away from Yoongi as he chases her for calling him short- something he really hates to be called.

I rub my belly, laughing at the comedy in front of me and smiling as I feel the babies move- yes I'm pregnant, again!

It seems I spend the majority of my time pregnant, in fact, yes, I do!

Yoongi refuses to use protection every time we have sex and I love the feeling of him cumming in me, so I never complain. But I think after these babies are born, I'll put my foot down. Eight babies will be plenty enough! We cannot have any more than that!

Though, I'm sure Yoongi will manage to convince me otherwise, that or my hybrid instincts will get stronger and make me wish to have more babies.

I think me and Yoongi are going to end up with one hundred babies at this rate...

But thinking about it...

I don't think that's a bad thing at all, if it's with the man I love.


Thank you for reading!

I hope you enjoyed this epilogue, let me know what you think!


BunBun ❤



I love you sooooooo much!!!


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