Cabir: Come on Manik.... Now that Dhruv is also here, tell us, what was so urgent that it couldn't hv had waited for the night.

Manik: I hv a good news....
Manik smiled at them.

Cabir: Fuck... U r pregnant?? But how??
Cabir reacted dramatically making the others giggled while Manik rolled his eyes.

Manik: Cabir for god's sake... At least be serious for sometime dude.

Aliya: Manik ignore him... U tell us whats the good news.

Manik: The good news is that Fab5 has finally got its first ever Concert!!!

Mukti: Wow...
Mukti u exclaimed as they all sprung up to their feet and hugged each other.

Mukti: This is such a great news.... Guys this calls for a celebration...

Cabir, Aliya,Dhruv: Yes!!
Manik: NO....

Cabir: Ab kya problem h be...

Manik: Guys... The concert is in 5 days we need to start practise Asap... Thats why I called u all here directly.

Aliya: I guess Manik is right. We should start practising immediately.

Mukti: Cool then lets go!! Manik ur place??
Mukti asked as they got decided to leave. When manik stopped.

Manik: No yr... Not possible at mine. Mom has some painting stuff going on there, we won't be able to concentrate. Cabir, Yours??

Cabir: Not possible... Dadi is in town, Music banned at home...

Manik: Shit where will we practise them. We had only two music rooms available.

Dhruv: Lets shift our instruments to some other place...

Mukti: Ohk but where-
Mukti was saying something when Nandini barged into the cabin,

Nandini: Manik I need ur-
She noticed everyone there and smiled,

Nandini: Hi guys... What a surprise!!

All of them greeted her while Manik said,
Manik: I have a good news...

Nandini: Good news...  What?

Manik: We got a concert...

Nandini smiled broadly at then as she exclaimed,
Nandini: Wow...  That's amazing guys...  Congratulations!! So when is it?

Aliya: Next week...

Nandini: Wow its like now....
She smiled again looking at all of them as she turned towards Manik.

Nandini: I better get the VVIP tickets or else u r gone!

Manik chuckled at her expressions and nodded,
Manik: As u madam... But for now!! What r u here for coz we hv a really important thing to handle.

Nandini passed a file to him and pointed out.
Nandini: Ur signatures....

Manik nodded at her and picked up the pen signing when she asked,
Nandini: By the way whats so important.

Cabir: We don't hv a place to practise. Both Manik's house and mine are unavailable for the time being. And we need to start practise today.

Nandini: So whats the big deal... U guys can come over to mine. I too hv a music room there.

Mukti: Really can we??
Mukti exclaimed happily when Manik stopped them.

Manik: Nandini r u sure?

Nandini: Yes... U guys need it and I really want ur concert to be amazing.

All of them smiled at her as aliya engulfed her into a hug. Soon they all left the office to move over to Nandini's place.

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