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Four months later

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Four months later...

          "You look beautiful. No! Actually you look more than that. You look perfect."

Shellah said to Rachel as she looked her. She was standing in front of the big mirror, observing her wedding dress and just the way she looked.

Her hair was perfectly curled, falling on her back in beautiful waves. There was a small white flower placed on the left side of her hair, just behind her ear.

Even on her wedding day, Rachel chose to not wear any makeup. There was something new on her face. She was glowing naturally. Her cheeks were a little bit pink, her skin soft and her freckles present.

On her neck, no jewelry. Her neck was naked, nothing around it. Her white dress was very simple and modest. She wanted everything to be simple and definitely not sophisticated. That was the way she wanted her wedding day to be.

Godly and simple.

It was the day of their wedding. After so many months of working hard to make that day special for both of them, they were happy to finally get married.

Four months later, a lot of things changed. Everyone's lives was far from what it used to be.

Elijah grew closer to God. He had this desire inside him to know Him more. He tried to seek His face everyday. And every day, he found a new side of His love. And he was so happy for that.

Rachel continued to please God in her ways and live according to His word. Everyday she was becoming better and better, growing stronger in Christ and learning to live by the spirit and not the flesh.

That was their biggest battle together. And they were victorious with the help of God.

Almost one year of knowing each other and they never kissed even once.

They learned to love each other and proved that love is not just about the desires of the flesh. Love is more than just physical. Love is learning to know and understand each other. Respecting each other's decisions and accepting purity to please God. They wanted to save their first kiss for their wedding day.

Elijah learned a lot of things just by being with Rachel these last months.

He learned that love doesn't need to be fleshly to exist.

He learned that forgiveness is the first step to happiness.

He learned to love with his heart and not his eyes.

Rachel was to him, one of the best things that happened to him and all he wanted was to make her happy.

That's why the night before their wedding, he spent his night on his knees, praying to God and asking Him to give him everything he needed to make Rachel happy.

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