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       Rachel turned to look at Elijah who was standing behind her, his eyes closed as he waited to receive what she wanted to offer

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Rachel turned to look at Elijah who was standing behind her, his eyes closed as he waited to receive what she wanted to offer. She couldn't believe what she just heard and that's why she was waiting for him to look into her eyes too. That was the only way to know the truth. The eyes tell truths that the mouth can't say.

"I can't believe this." She whispered.

When she finally met his blue eyes, she saw how hurt he looked and that's when she knew that it was the truth. Davin was not lying.

"Oh my goodness!"

She almost screamed as she turned to look at Davin then back at Elijah, her eyes becoming more and more shiny.
Before she could let herself cry in front of them, she simply shook her head in disbelief before running back into the house.

Elijah didn't follow her.

Instead, he stayed there still, his eyes on Davin.

"She had to know what you did to me Bornman. And now, be sure that you'll never see her again and don't you dare approach her, she's the only precious thing I still have and I won't let you hurt her." He said calmly  before turning to walk away.

"We both know that it's not true, Davin." Elijah said, stopping him.

Turning back around to meet his eyes again, he laughed at his words. These words he was tired of hearing.

"Why is it so hard for you to admit it?"
He asked, his hand placed on his hip unconsciously.

"Nothing happened between Sophia and I. Nothing ever happened and nothing will ever happen. Why can't you finally believe me?"

"Because I already have proof, Elijah. Don't you dare make me believe you! You're just a liar."

"It wasn't me on these pictures, I swear! I told you this so many times! That night I was in my dad's office!"

"Yes, of course. Get out of here Bornman and stay away from my family." He said his expression serious before walking back inside the house.

Elijah stayed there alone in the cold night. He couldn't believe what was happening. An ache formed in his chest. The thought of his friend believing such a big lie about him made him sick. He was tired of these lies, rumors that never died since last year.

He used to not care about what people could diffuse. But now that he met Rachel, he wanted more than anything to let the whole world know the truth.

He looked at their house. All the lights were off but one remained on. It was next to their small yet beautiful garden that he was sure the painter of this now beautiful piece of art was no one else but her. He saw through the window that the lights were on. It was a bedroom. Her bedroom. The walls were pastel blue, that's all he saw.

Blue was her favorite color, that's why he knew it was definitely her bedroom.

Deciding to grab some small stones he found on the floor, he looked up at the window again before starting to throw one by one, waiting for her to hear the sound and meet him.

But she never came.

That night, he texted her many times, begging her to reply, but she never did.


"Where are you going? It's six in the morning and you never wake up that early."

Gina asked as she cleaned the kitchen counter.

Fixing his light blue shirt, he walked to the fridge.

"I'm going somewhere." He said before grabbing a water bottle.

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" She asked as she stopped cleaning, deciding to concentrate on him.

"I'm not hungry, I'll just eat out if I get hungry don't worry Gina." Kissing her cheek softly, he walked out of the house and into his white car.

Arriving in front of their house, he stepped out before taking a deep breath.

Walking to the place he was last night, he bent over and grabbed some of the small stones in his left hand. Fixing the window, he took a deep breath before throwing the first one as he waited for an answer. But nothing. He threw a second one but still nothing. And when he was about to throw a third one, he saw her opening the window slowly.

She was there in front of him. Already awake. He knew that he could find her awake earlier than everyone else for it was Sunday, her favorite day of the week, the day she goes to church.

Looking at him with her puffy brown eyes, his heart tightened at the sight of her beautiful eyes. He knew she cried a lot last night, he could see it, she had her curly hair falling on her shoulder in such a beautiful way, like waves. Absolutely beautiful. She was wearing a light red dress that looked graceful on her.

Gulping, he decided to speak.


She looked at him, her brows pulled together in such confusion.

"Hey. What are you doing here and why are you throwing stones on my window?" She said everything in a monotone voice.

Sighing, he started playing with his already messy hair. "Well, uhm, I came here because I want to talk to you. And for your second question, it was the only way to attract your attention since you're too mad at me to reply to my messages."

Sighing too, she closed her eyes for a second before opening them again.

"I'm sorry for not replying. But I truly can't talk to you right now, I have to go to church in a few minutes and I hate being late."

Nodding he let go of the small stones he was still unconsciously holding before looking back up at her.

"I know and that's why I came here." He said.

Frowning again, she asked.

"What do you mean?"

Simply giving her a weak smile, he looked at his brown boots before looking back up at her.

Her expression was one of the most beautiful views to him. He wanted to laugh at it but preferred to not do it. It wasn't the moment to start laughing when she clearly was mad at him.

Seeing her impatient expression, he decided to enlighten her.

"I want to go to church with you."

He finally said, his eyes never quitting hers.


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