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          Rachel looked around her and she couldn't help but gasp

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Rachel looked around her and she couldn't help but gasp. Rachel was born in France but she never got the chance to visit Paris and she wondered if Elijah knew that and that's why he chose Paris.

They were walking inside the restaurant 58 of the Eiffel Tower. Rachel was still looking all around her, her mouth wide open at how beautiful it looked while Elijah was talking to a waiter. When she showed them their table, Elijah let go of Rachel's hand before pulling the chair for her to seat in which she did gladly.

Taking his own seat, he searched for Rachel's eyes and when he found them, he smiled at her kindly. He could see how surprised she looked and that made him happy to know that she was enjoying the place they were in.

"What would you like to drink sir?"

The lady, beautifully dressed asked as she smiled at both of them kindly, a notebook in her hand.

Elijah looked at Rachel and asked her what she would like to drink, when she replied, he gave the waiter the same answer.

"Anything you have without alcohol."

The waiter nodded, her left brow pulled up in surprise because it was rare to see couples ordering drinks that weren't alcoholic. After writing on her notebook, she smiled at them again kindly before walking away.

"This place is so beautiful."

Rachel said as soon as the blonde lady walked away.

Elijah removed his suit jacked before placing it behind his chair. "Do you like it?" He asked as soon as he met her brown eyes again.

"I love it."

A few minutes passed and the lady was back with their drinks. They both thanked her after ordering their entree.

"Have you ever been here?"

Elijah asked.

"Never. This is the first time."

Elijah couldn't hide how surprised he was.


"Yes really."

"Well," he smiled at her before speaking up again, "I'm glad I'm the first one to show you Paris then. I knew I had a lot of things to show you."

Rachel rolled her eyes at him.

"Of course, sir Elijah."

I Am Not Ashamed | ✓                      حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن