Chapter Sixteen- Dance With The Devil

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"He,he really said that about me?" Jax stuttered, he looked so happy just from those simple worlds. I couldn't help but smile as I stood up from the ground dusting myself off. Jax was so small he stood just above my knee's. He must have only been around 5 or 6. 

"He did and he has told me that he really misses you and he's ready for you to come home. Are you ready to be a brave boy and come with me so we can go home together" I said as little jax's expression filled with determination as he violently nodded his head yes. 

"Uh-huh I'm ready big sister, I promise I will be brave" my heart melted a little when he called me that. I knew the older Jax was still there but right now I was speaking to a little cute kid who was doing his best to be brave. Nodding my head, I slowly extended my hand out for him. Without any doubt or fear his hand shot forward as he clutched onto my hand, his little fingers wrapping around mine. Lowe was still sleeping in his other arm. 

"Lets go" I smiled as we took our first steps forward to find home.


We had been walking for hours taking breaks in between, we had ended up deep within a forest that was thick with deep green trees. Jax for the last half hour had been tiredly rubbing his eyes as he stumbled forward. "Are you sleepy?" I asked as his eyes looked up into mine, they blinked at separate times. Smiling, I kneeled down placing Lowe in his arms.

Picking Jax up he let out a little tired sigh as he cuddled into my neck he was asleep within a second. My mind drifted back to his words earlier when he said it was easier when we were kids. I had a feeling that his words where the cause of his current state, not that I minded child Jax was cute. I was also burning with curiosity as to where I actually was. Is this the realm of the gods? Or is this where wolves go to die?

"Something coming" Ailith growled into my mind causing me to jump from my skin. I still wasn't used to having a second voice in my mind. "Listen"

Standing still i focused on the sounds around me. My ears could pick up a lot more noise than before. It was hard for me to pick out the sound she was listening too. I could hear the small breaths from Jax and Lowe, the rustling of trees and the sound of birds. Then I heard it. The sound of four heavy stamping paws smashing into the ground. They sounded fast like they ran with a purpose. Sweat began to form on my brow, the sound was getting closer.

"RUN" Ailith shouted. She didn't have to tell me a second time. Running forward I quickly ducked and divide threw the trees. "Not fast enough, FASTER" Ailith spoke pushing me to run even faster than before.

The beast was closer than before. I could now hear it's heavy panted breathing. "Put the child down and let me take over" Ailith commanded. 

Walking over to a hollowed out tree I gently placed Jax inside, his eyes groggily opening "You need to stay in here for me and look after Lowe, can you be a big boy and do this for me?" he nodded his head. "I need you to be brave and don't come out of here until I come back for you okay? No matter what you must stay in here." 

"Will you come back for me big sister, promise you will" He looked scared as his little chest puffed up and down.

"I will, promise" I said in a low gentle voice, my hand raising to mess up his hair."Thats the brave soilder Kinnon and I know you can be" I said standing up from the tree. Running forward I picked up a large stick smashing it against trees to create as much noise as possible. I had to make sure the beast was following me. Stopping dead in my tracks, I took in a deep breathe. This will be the first time I had changed into a wolf. "Ailith, come"

my voice was strong as my heart wavered. 

The feeling of my bones snapping and breaking into place caused me to scream out in pain, the burning sensation from last time had returned as fur began to protrude from my skin. The pain was agony but after everything I had been through I knew I could handle it. Gritting my teeth I embraced the pain as my body changed from human to wolf. I was no longer in control and it was the strangest feeling ever. All of my senses where heightened I could hear, smell and see better than I ever could.  "It's coming" Ailith snarled as the trees began to shake. 

A large grey wolf broke from the trees smashing into us with such force Ailith went flying to the ground. The wolves eyes glowed red as the sound of cackling crept into the sky. "Oh, little girl I let you away once and now you come back and have tried to steal one of my souls" the voice called causing Ailith's hackles to rise. Black clouds steamed from the ground as a dark evil figure appeared from the smoke. It was Edhem.

"The boy is not yours Edhem, he is also a child of the moon. He belongs to the moon goddess" Ailith voice roared threw my mind. Edhem laughed at her words, like he knew everything we didn't.

"Oh stupid wolf, you have walked into my land. Now that boys soul is MINE and YOU will give me it" Edhems voice turned dark and cold as he walked forward the grey wold following as his blood red eyes flashed black. Ailith took a step back preparing herself for an attack. Edhems eyes watched with amusement before his dull eyes lit up with a spark. "Hm I have an idea. I love games. So how about this if you can kill this wolf I will let you both go" The grey wolf growled in agreement his body going low as he readied himself to pounce. "Kill her Lucifer" Edhem squealed with excitement. 

The two wolves clashed into each other, the sound echoed threw the forest along with the sound of snarling and teeth clattering together.

The grey wolf landed the first bite, digging deep into Ailiths side. She never even let out a cry as blood spilled from the wound. Ailith using her back legs lunged herself forward and out of his grasp tearing her skin in the process. Ailith was much smaller and faster than the grey wolf using this to her advantage she started running a circle around him. Diving onto his back, her teeth sinking into his flesh as he bucked to get her off.

Ailith clung on as Lucifer smashed her into trees, she was attempting to tire him out. Clamping her jaw shut even harder, Lucifer whimpered with pain drooping to ground smacking Ailith hard against it in the process. After another five minute struggle Ailith finally let go, the grey wolf by this time was panting and tired. 

"Finish him" I shouted into her mind, Ailith let out a snarl before she sprinted forward running at him with everything she had. The power was enough to smash him into the ground and onto his back. Ailith was on top of him in a second her teeth locking on his throat as he struggled to suck in air his body thrashing about. Three minutes later he stopped moving, his body changing from wolf to man as dull blue eyes stared into mine. We had killed a man. Laughter erupted from Edhem as he clapped. Stepping back, Ailith let me take control of my body as I changed back to my human form my head turning to the body as I leaned down closing his eyes. "I'm sorry" I whispered my attention turning back to Edhem. "I have played your game, now i'm leaving"I said in a harsh tone. Without waiting for his reply I ran forward and straight to where Jax was. I was getting out of here and I didn't trust Edhem, that was for sure. 

Jax was sitting with his hands covering his ears, as soon as he seen me his face lit up. "You came back" I smiled at his words before scooping Lowe and him. When i stood back up Edhem has materialised behind us. 

"Thank you for taking me right to him" Edhem grinned his hand stretching out to touch Jax' face I batted it away. I wasn't letting this demon have Jax. I was done with being pushed around, standing my ground my body began to glow white as thunder rumbled threw the sky.

Edhems face twisted with shock as his hand shot up to his eyes to cover them from the light. A chant left my mouth I had never heard before as a portal opened up in-front of me. I could see Kinnon sitting on a chair worry across his face as he nibbled on his lips. 

Without a second thought I jumped forward and into the portal.

Hello All!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter of Majesty. I'm sorry if it's a bit rushed. Anything that needs fixed I will go back and do tomorrow. 

So what do we think of kid Jax?


How badass Ailith is? 

I will be posting every Saturday, thank you for your patience. 

Peace out my loves xo

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