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Look how beautiful their daughter is 😍😍😭😭.


"So what are you guys going to name her?", Sophia questioned, with the baby in her arms.

"Madison Enchante Russo", I responded, glancing at Sebastian who had a grin on his face.

Earlier when Madison was asleep, we discussed what we wanted to name her. Many suggestions were thrown by Sebastian and I, but one name stood out and it was Madison. We chose that name in the honor of my mother and when I told Sebastian it was my mother's name, he immediately agreed and combined our last names together.

"She's so cute". Sophia cooed, gazing down at Madison.

"She looks like a pile of potatoes and carrots", Hunter grumbled And had a frown on his face.

"Shut up man, that's my daughter you're talking about", Sebastian growled and slapped Hunter's chest.

Madison let out a wail and her mouth latched on her little fingers. Sighing, I opened my arms and Sophia settled her on it. Grasping her little form gently, I cooed at her and her widened eyes stared up at me. In my opinion she had her father's eyes, it was such a beautiful blue color.

"Get out, She needs to feed", Sebastian shooed Damon and Hunter out the door.

"Why can't we stay?", Hunter asked and Damon hit him upside the head.

"Well, I'll leave you three alone", Sophia gave a little smile and went out the door.

Gazing down at Madison, I began feeding her and when her mouth latched on my nipple, I let out a little wince and adjusted her in my arms. Her eyes closed and she began to drink, with her hand resting on my breast.

"I'll never get tired of this", Sebastian came and sat down next to me.

Laying my head on his chest, I let out a sigh and continued to feed Madison. When she was done, her soft snores were heard in the quite room. It's been three days, since we came out of the hospital and everyone has been carrying Madison, well everyone but Hunter.

Somehow he thought, once a baby is born, they look like either potatoes or carrots and for Madison it was both of them. Sebastian was so angry when he first called our daughter that. It took a while to calm him down and once he finally did, he kicked Hunter out of our room.

Hunter, Damon and Eli built her a crib and all the things she needed. Her nursery room was right next to ours and when my eyes surveyed the room, tears began to stream down my cheeks. Her room was decorated perfectly, with a white crib situated in the corner of the room and paintings took over the walls.

One of them said, "My dad is all I need".

Of course it was Sebastian who did that. He told me, he would always be over protective over Madison and if any guy came close to her, he would beat him up until he passed out. I was a little scared for my daughter's future to say the least, but I knew somehow Sebastian would have to let her go when she grew up and found a man.

Standing up, I slowly strolled over to her crib and softly laid her on it. Stirring a little, she turned her head away from me and her soft breathing began to even out again. Leaning down, I kissed the top of her head and she let out a little smile. My heart swelled as the tears in my eyes made their way onto my cheeks.

Arms snaked around my waist and he leaned down, kissing my neck gently. His hands rubbed soothingly across my stomach and I laid my head on his rock hard chest. His breathing hit my ears and I shivered as the tingles on my body got stronger.

"She's so beautiful, just like her mom", He whispered in my arms and rested his chin on my shoulder.

Turning me around, he gazed into my eyes with so much intensity that made my head spin. Stroking my cheeks, he pulled me closer to him and caught my lips in his. Drawing his lips away from mine, his forehead rested against mine and he took a deep breath.

A sudden nervousness took over his face, and his eyes flickered away from mine. His hands rested on my waist and my eye brows rose in question as his nervousness radiated off of him in waves. His eyes found mine again and he gulped while tucking a fallen hair behind my ear.

"Shit, I have no idea how to do this", He breathed and took a step back.

My widened eyes stared at him, as he knelt to the ground and looked up at me. My throat suddenly turned dry as he took out something out of his pocket. Opening it, he presented a beautiful ring. My jaw slacked as I stared at it.

"Mi Amore, you came into my life unexpectedly and stole my heart with just a glance, although it took me a while to realize it, I knew you were it for me. I want us to spend every waking moment together, want us to get through every obstacle thrown our way together, and I want us to live happily while raising our children. So what I am saying is, Will you marry me, Mi Amore?", He gazed into my eyes with hopefulness.

Opening my mouth, I tried to say something but I couldn't and his face dropped as he looked away from me. Grasping his face in my hands, I turned his head towards me. Nodding my head, I gave him a grin as I leaned down and captured his lips.

"Of course I'll marry", I inhaled his intoxicating scent.

With a grin, he held my hand in his and slipped the ring onto my ring finger. My tears were unstoppable as my eyes gazed into his.

"I am never letting you go now".


Alright guys this is it for My Past Memories, these two, they made me cry, laugh and fall in love with all the characters.

When I first started this book, I wanted to create something so special and beautiful. I want to thank every single one of you who supported me throughout this story. Without you guys I wouldn't be where I am today. So thank you so much for all the love you've shown me and made me feel happy with this story.

But this isn't over, I am going to start a new story soon, so stay tuned.

Love you all, Elle ❤️❤️❤️.

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My Past Memories ✔️ (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora