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Blood spilled everywhere around my face, on my arms, the pain was unbearable, as I laid there helplessly barfing blood.

My eyes, swollen from the tears, and my cheeks bruised up, that you could barely recognize me. Yet, he kept kicking and kicking my stomach, showing no mercy just because I defied him.

"Aren't you going to apologize, huh?" he hissed as he was pulling my hair back with so much force, that I cried out of pain. He yanked my right arm, causing me to stand up and stumble a little.

Quickly, I regained my balance, as he punched me again in the face. I suddenly, lost my balance because of the punch. I went down towards the ground, and hit my head on the kitchen's counter.

I hissed in pain, and looked down, not daring to look at him. I knew what the consequences would bring if I looked at him, my gathered focused was on the granite tiles.

He knelt down, and looked into my eyes, and I flinched as I accidentally looked into his cold dark eyes, that seemed to shrine with so much hatred and anger.

I quickly looked away, hoping that he did not catch me looking at him, but it was to no success, my eyes did not go unnoticed.

He roughly pulled my chin towards him, causing me to look again into his dark eyes.

"Do you remember how your father wanted me to be engaged to a slut, you worthless piece of trash, so you are supposed to follow my orders like a good little slut you are, do you understand?"

I did not answer, he stood up and continued to punch my stomach once again.

I was surprised as to why I didn't pass out, since he's been abusing me for the last fifteen or twenty minutes.

I didn't even feel the pain anymore, I just laid there looking straight ahead.

He sighed, although he knew I wasn't going to speak, he knelt down again.

"Are you not going to speak?" he asked.

I just stared blankly ahead, not daring to give him the satisfaction of apologizing to him.

"Even with blood on you, you still look beautiful," he uttered.

I flinched when his hands suddenly made contact with my face causing my neck to snap right.

I cradled my face in my hands, and looked at him through glassy eyes.

He suddenly smirked in satisfaction, this is what he wanted, for me to crack and break down in front of him so he could laugh at my weakness.

"My, my, look at you laying on the ground naked, with bruises that I caused on your body and with tears strolling down your cheeks," he taunted.

As he said that, more tears continued to stroll down my cheeks, I wasn't allowed to wear clothes in the mansion, as he wanted easy access to use my body whenever he pleased.

I felt ashamed, each time I walked in the mansion naked, the guards would follow my every move with their lustful gazes.

Whenever he was in a happy mood, he would throw me to the floor, and let his guards use me for their own pleasure, he would watch me cry out in pain with an evil smirk on his face.

Almost two years ago, I was a normal girl living a normal life, well as normal as it could be with a mafia father. But that normal life changed when my father dropped the bomb on me saying I was to be engaged to his most trusted man.

At first I refused to be engaged to a guy that I barely knew, but father didn't want that, he abused me until I gave in and said yes.

During the first few days, he treated me nicely, as a boyfriend should treat his girlfriend, but that seemed to instantly change when I said no when he wanted to take my virginity.

At that night, he forced himself on me, taking what was the most important thing to me.

After that day he continued to rape, abuse, and torture me until I cracked and broke down in front of him everyday.

He would abuse me and apologize by taking me forcefully, thinking I liked it.

I hated whenever his hands made contact with my skin. It would feel like leeches were crawling up my skin and sucking my blood until I felt weak and utterly helpless.

"Come on just apologize, and I'll stop torturing you for the day," he said breaking me out of my thoughts.

When I didn't answer him, he stood up, and suddenly his shoes made contact with my stomach so hard that I cried out and cradled it with my arms.

"I am sorry, I am so sorry, just stop please, please, please stop," I cried out.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it," he said with a chuckle.

He knelt down, and cradled me into his arms carrying me bridal style.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered.

"What does it look like I am doing, I won't leave you alone for these men that I call my guards to feast on you, while you're laying naked," he sighed annoyed.

I kept quiet for the rest of the journey upstairs, until he made it to my room, opened the door and laid me on the bed.

"Get rest, tomorrow I have great plans for you that I will enjoy, but you, I don't think so," he roughly stated with a smirk across his face.

After that, he left me by myself with horrible thoughts running through my mind of what was coming tomorrow, but exhaustion soon began to envelope me into it's warm embrace, and I let the sleep consume me hoping to never wake up.

My Past Memories ✔️ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now