Chapter 5

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I woke up startled by someone shaking me. I blinked my eyes open, looking at my surroundings I saw that I was in my room still and Edgar was sitting beside me with a cold expression.

"I am going for a meeting, don't even try of escaping again", he commanded.

I nodded my head sleepily, but when he started to raise his hands I suddenly became wide awake fearing for the worst.

He started to lean towards me, giving me a forced kiss, I stood there motionless hoping this to be over soon. When he pulled away his eyes were darkened with lust and I knew what was coming next.

He began to stand up, taking his clothes off in the process, I tightly closed my eyes dreading this moment. I felt him sit beside me again but I didn't dare to open my eyes.

"Open your eyes Amelia", he commanded.

Knowing I would get punished if I didn't do what he said, I began to open my eyes slowly. My eyes focused on him, as he began to explore my body with his disgusting hands.

"You're so beautiful", he whispered huskily.

He looked into my eyes, slowly leaned in, I clamped my mouth shut knowing he was going to kiss me, but he pried my lips open with his hands and started to kiss me forcefully.

His hands started to go lower towards my pussy, he started to rubbing trying to make me wet but I will not crack and give him the satisfaction. He slid one finger in forcefully making me cry out in pain.

I felt liquid dripping down my thighs, I knew what it was, blood.

By now tears were streaming down my face as he continued his penetration not giving a care if I was bleeding or not.

He stopped, crawling on top of me, he kept his hands above my head not crushing me, he slammed into me painfully causing more blood to drip down my thighs.

He continued to use me until he came with a growl.
When he was done, he smirked evilly at seeing my tears flowing down my cheeks.

He began to stand up, putting his clothes on in the process, before he left the room, he turned back to me.

"Remember if you escape, I'll always find you and you know what happens when I find you", he said and left the room.

I tried escaping many times before when he and his men left to attend a business or a meeting. But he always found me and when he did he tortured me until I passed out from his beatings or he took me forcefully until I begged him to stop because the pain was unbearable.

After trying so many times to escape, I began to give up hope, there was no hope in this mansion, there was an only pain for me and he loved seeing me beg him to stop.

For a while, I just laid there, in my thoughts, but I slowly began to stand up when I did I suddenly flinched and collapsed back down, there was just too much pain, the blood on my thighs was already dried.

I began to stand up again, slowly walking to the bathroom, I opened the door and walked in. I didn't bother to check my reflection because I already knew what I would see, a girl who was broken, a girl who had no hope left in this world, a girl whose eyes looked dull but once they were full of smiles and laughs.

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