"You see, Jih.. I... Got an allergy. So.. It's a rash."
"Oh. There's a lot of them." Jih's eyebrows furrowed.
"Well. Dad was too wild in scratching those itches." Taemin beamed at the trio. Jungkook laughed and pointed at Taemin who winked back at him.

Jih looked at Jimin who stood there like an idiot.
"Don't be so rough." Jungkook said to Jimin and got a light punch in the stomach for making that comment.
Jih wasn't even going to attempt to understand why everyone was smiling, he was too happy seeing Jungkook.

"But Ironman.. How did you know I'd be back today? Isn't that why you're here?" Jih smiled at him and rested his head on Jimin's shoulder. Both Jimin and Jungkook froze at the question.

They weren't prepared for this! A few minutes ago just Jungkook was trying to sneak out without getting noticed while Jimin was trying to help him succeed by going to the extent of pushing Taemin onto the floor.

"I.. Ugh.." Jungkook fumbled around for words as did Jimin.
"He came here with me." Jungkook and Jimin  turned to see Taemin walk towards them as he spoke. Jih beamed and hugged Taemin.
"Really?" Jih asked and Taemin nodded and ruffled his hair.

"We were here to meet dad and check up on his allergies." Taemin said softly and Jungkook and Jimin sighed and smiled at him so gratefully. They couldn't just ambush Jih with the news of them being together. They needed to talk things out first.

"We'll be on our way now, you're here to take care of dad!" Taemin tickled his stomach and Jih laughed. He sounded just like Jimin when he laughed that hard.
"But... You'll come back, right Ironman?" Jih asked nervously. Taemin and Jimin smiled sadly at Jungkook.

"Of course! I'll be back this evening!" Jungkook took him in his arms and hugged him. Jih didn't want Jungkook to go, he had missed him all this while. And after knowing that it was a possibility that he'd be forgotten by him, he just didn't want to let him go.
" Okay.. " Jih said timidly and hugged him.

"Hey.. Don't worry. I'm not going to leave you. Ever." Jungkook cupped his face with one hand and Jih looked up cutely, his eyes glassy from holding back tears, he nodded and hugged him one more time before he went to Jimin.

"I'll be calling you in a bit" Taemin whispered to Jimin who smiled shyly and hugged him. Jungkook waved goodbye to Jimin and Jih as he walked out with Taemin.

"Taemin hyung.. Thank you so much.." Jungkook smiled at him and Taemin patted his shoulder as he chuckled.
"It's fine. I can understand you both need to talk things out. Not only with each other but with your families and Jih is a baby, it takes some time. I would love to see you stutter to make excuses but I had to help in this case." Taemin said to him as they walked into the elevator.

" I can see you love them and want them to be yours as soon as possible.. But.. It's not an easy thing, Jungkook. Take it like an advice from an elder brother. You need to give Jih his space before telling him everything. He's very sensitive, he needs to adjust fully. " Taemin smiled at him and Jungkook nodded in agreement.

They both walked out of the building and smiled at each other one more time before Jungkook spoke up.
" I'm so glad you are here, hyung.. I'm sorry for being a jerk initially. I'm sort of dumb when I'm insecure. " Jungkook said shyly and Taemin laughed hard.
"Everyone is. Don't worry about it. I'm here when you both need me." Taemin hugged him and then they both parted ways.

Jungkook drove home happily. He was this happy for the first time ever. He had a skip in his step as he walked into his house singing. The family's chauffeur, gardeners and caretakers, were all shocked and almost fainted seeing him dancing his way in.

"Well, well, well. Jeon Jungkook do you have any ide--" Before his grandmother could scold him, he held her hand and began dancing with her. He eyes widened and she smiled at her grandson fondly.

"I am happy today.." Jungkook gave her a big smile, his eyes twinkling with a kind of sparkle he had when he was a child and spent time with his grandfather.

"I can see." She beamed and they danced together.
"Seems like all is well with Jimin." She said and Jungkook's eyes widened in shock.
"How did you know?" he asked.
"Well. I can tell." she said smugly as she closed his collar button, that's when Jungkook realised he had hickeys. Jungkook gulped and his ears turned pink.

His grandmother laughed and pinched his cheeks.
"This is.." Jungkook said flustered.
"I maybe old, but I'm still very.. Um.. What's that word? Awesome?" she pouted as she recollected the word.
"Awesome!" Jungkook hugged her tightly.

"Now go put some ice on this and join me for breakfast." she pulled his ear lightly and Jungkook ran off.

She sighed as she stood there happily, she felt like she was at ease now. Her little grandson was now a grown man, he had met someone he loved.

She walked up to a table and picked up a small picture frame of her wedding day. She hoped her grandson had found a man he loved as much as she loved her husband and her husband loved her, even till his last breath.

Author's note

*wipes your tears because of the emo last part*

I was on Instagram the other day and saw people recommending my books to Jikookworld when she asked for ff recommendations. I died of happiness. ;-;

I love you guys so much.

THANK YOU FOR 190K READS ♥️♥️♥️🤗🤗🤗

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