"Mom! Dad! What has she done to deserve this? Are you trying to kill her after everything you've done to her! I'm sure you are aware Layla leaked the video, even your daughter you trusted is the first person to sleep with Ethan, she was never Ethan's girlfriend, she's trying to take him from Bianca" she stopped to catch her breath and continued.

"Why do you hate her so much, Bianca is an angel, even after everything you've done to her, she's always taking your side when we are talking about the terrible things you've done to her, You took everything her father left her, I think it's high time you returned everything to her, at least she's eighteen now, her father left her about 50 million naira, a mansion worth millions and 2 exotic cars, please return them, I can't watch you kill her" I heard kayla yell and my eyes widened, my dad left me that much and they've been maltreating me all this years. Mr Nwosu bent his head to look at me and realise I didn't know about this to. He turned and walked towards my room, he walked past my room and headed for the back door.

"What are you doing?" Chioma asked

"Just follow me" he said with a straight face.

He dropped me in the back seat and I hissed in pain. Chioma sat in front and the man drove off, I struggled to keep my eyes opened but the pain was overwhelming. My lids slowly closed until  I was surrounded with darkness.


I slightly opened my eyes and I was welcomed with a bright light, l closed it, I opened my eyes slowly to adjust to the bright light and I saw Chioma and her mom beside me. I saw the barrister talking to the doctor at the entrance.

"Doctor, she's awake" I heard chioma say, the doctor rushed to my side and checked my pulse.

"Are you feeling pain any where? He asked and I just stared at him.

"Ermmm doctor, she isn't saying anything, she has hardly said anything since yesterday" chioma said and I just stared at all of them as if they are some sort of fascinating cartoon characters.

"She'll be fine, just be thankful she didn't miscarry the baby or damage her womb in the process" he said and I widened my eyes.

"Who are you talking about?" I managed to say.

"Congratulations miss, you are four weeks pregnant" he said and i sat up.

"I'm not pregnant" I said as I looked at every one and tears welled up my eyes.

"Let me see you doctor" Chioma's mother said and she went out with the doctor.

"Bianca" the barrister sat beside me. "I can retrieve your inheritance from them legally, we need to do that as soon as possible, your condition right now is a full proof and it's going to help, I just need you to give me a go ahead" he said calmly. I just stared at him and I look at chioma.

"Go ahead sir" Chioma said, the barrister nodded and left.

"Bianca, we'll figure it out, my mom is a little upset about you being pregnant but we will figure it out okay?" She said as she wiped her tears, I had no expression on my face, I didn't know what to do. I'm Pregnant and Ethan is nowhere to be found  "so his mission is just to sleep with me, get me pregnant and abandon me?" I asked myself.

"Ethan left me, he promised never to leave" I said as tears streamed down my face and I whimpered

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, I made you trust him, please forgive me" she said and hugged me.

We heard footstep and we saw David.

"What are you doing here David?" She asked in anger

"Calm down babe, I swear I don't know anything about this, I just found out Ethan has gone back to new York, trust me, I can't be so heartless to do this to you girls" he said calmly and I can feel he's hurt.

"It's over Dave" chioma said as her voice shook

"I'm sure you know about this, Ethan is your best friend, he can't do this without telling you, please leave" she said calmly and as David was about to object she roared "I said leave!" David ran his fingers through his hair and left.

I got discharged from the hospital and the barrister took me to his house, I met his wife and his son, Chioma went home with her mom. The barrister's wife treated me like her daughter, she's pretty and nice, she's probably in her early thirties.

Mr Nwosu informed me they've given my aunt and her husband court notice and the trial is in a week time. Kayla called to make sure I'm okay and Chioma kept checking on me everyday.

After a week, Mr Nwosu took me to court and I saw my Aunt and her husband. They glared at me scornfully. The case went on and I watched them as they denied everything. They didn't deny that they have my unknown inheritance held captive, but they denied that they maltreated me, they lied that they've always been nice to me and treated me like their own. Mr Nwosu showed the judge the injuries and the scars on my body and hospital report from a week ago. Chioma stood in the witness box and testified. Mr Nwosu called kayla and I was covered with tension. If kayla support me, she'll be thrown out and if she supports her parent, it's betrayal and a lie. She's in a tight situation and I understand any side she takes, if she supports the side of truth it will be better.

Mr Nwosu asked her if it's true I was maltreated and she went silent, she looked at me and her parent over and over again before saying "yes" she bursts into tears after saying that. I understand how she's feeling, she had to choose and she chose me.

she's also scared of what she might meet from her terrible parents when she gets home.

I won the case eventually, they were ordered to return the sum of 50 million naira with immediate effect. I smiled in victory and the judge closed the case. I saw Kayla's parent threatening her not to bother to come home, I moved close to her and hugged her.

"Thanks kayla" I said to her

"You would have done it without me anyways, the judge wouldn't have believed me if I had lied, your evidence is strong, I'm so happy for you Bianca, you finally gotten the chance to live the happy life you've always wished for" she said and turned to leave.

"I can't make you go back to that house, never! That's lions den is not your home anymore" I said and dragged her away with me, she tried to protest but she later obliged.

When I got home, Mrs Nwosu congratulated her husband and I for our victory, I decided to put everything that has happened behind me, I can take care of my child on my own. Mr Nwosu asked me of what plans I have and I told him, I want leave the country to start a new life with my friends that stayed with me in time of trouble, Chioma's parent agreed to it and kayla agreed to go too, Chioma's parent Paid for her and I paid for kayla. Mr Nwosu prepared our travelling passport, visa,ticket and other necessary things.

We started getting ready to leave. Even though I tried to be happy and move on , my weak heart can't help remembering everything it went through in the hands of Ethan. I hope I never see him again, he claimed to love me, he brainwashed me with his sugar coated mouth, I willingly slept with him, I shared my life history with him but I hardly know anything about him. Even if I want to search for him, where will I start from. New York is a big city with a lot of people named Ethan.

I thought of David too, he sounded innocent but how can Ethan do such thing without informing him, they've been best friends since kindergarten they don't hide things from each other. I know Chioma misses him but she's mad at him and doesn't want to get hurt. Kayla wishes her parent will look for her one day and settle their difference.

After few weeks, we got ready to leave, Mr Nwosu and his wife drove us to the air port and we all flew to Canada to continue our lives with no worries.

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